My Google Scholar Profile with links to publications and bibliometrics can be found here; the same list is available below with links to my own preprints.
Book Chapters
Lennon O'Naraigh and Prashant Valluri (2018) "Stability Analysis and Direct Numerical Simulation for Two-Phase Flows and Heat Transfer: A Complementary Approach" Encyclopedia of Two-Phase Heat Transfer and Flow IV. Singapore: World Scientific Press (Editor: John R Thome). Link to chapter here.
Works in Progress
- Khang Ee Pang, Lennon O'Naraigh, and Richard J. Smith (2022) "Convergence Analysis of the Particle Method for the Geometric Thin-Film Equation". Preprint: arXiv:2207.14175
- Khang Ee Pang, Lennon O'Naraigh, and Richard J. Smith (2022) "A new convergence analysis of the particle method for the Camassa-Holm equation". Preprint: arXiv:2112.10589
Regular articles
- Miguel D. Bustamante and Lennon O'Naraigh (2025) "Bounds on the Spreading Radius in Droplet Impact: The Viscous Case". Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the Royal Society A. Preprint: arXiv:2410.07904
- Alidad Amirfazli, Miguel D. Bustamante, Yating Hu, and Lennon O'Naraigh (2024) "Bounds on the Spreading Radius in Droplet Impact: The Inviscid Case". Proceedings of the Royal Society A 480:20230760. Preprint: arXiv:2310.08359
- Khang Ee Pang, Charles Cuvilier, Yutaku Kita, and Lennon O'Naraigh (2024) "Flow stability in shallow droplets subject to localized heating of the bottom plate". Physical Review Fluids 9: 014003. Preprint: arXiv:2307.09310
- Lennon O'Naraigh (2024) "A Mathematical Framework for Spatio-Temporal Control in Industrial Drying". International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 15:01. Preprint: arXiv:2404.16604
- Lennon O'Naraigh and Juan Mairal (2023) "Analysis of the Spreading Radius in Droplet Impact: The Two-Dimensional Case". Physics of Fluids 22: 301-336. Preprint: arXiv:2307.12838
- Khang Ee Pang and Lennon O'Naraigh (2022) "A mathematical model and mesh-free numerical method for contact-line motion in lubrication theory" Environmental Fluid Mechanics 22: 301-336. Open access. Link to article here.
- Lennon O'Naraigh and Aine Byrne (2020) "Piecewise-constant optimal control strategies for controlling the outbreak of COVID-19 in the Irish population". Mathematical Biosciences 330: 108496. Open access. Link to article here.
- Lennon O'Naraigh and Daniel R. Jansen van Vuuren (2020) "Linear and Nonlinear Stability Analysis in Microfluidic Systems". Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing 16: 383-410. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1911.12196
- Darryl D. Holm, Lennon O'Naraigh, and Cesare Tronci (2020). "A Geometric Diffuse-Interface Method for Droplet Spreading". Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476: 20190222. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1904.05783
- Andrew Gloster and Lennon O'Naraigh (2019) "cuSten - CUDA Finite Difference and Stencil Library". Software X 10: 100337. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1902.09931
- Lennon O'Naraigh (2019) "A differential-equation-based model of the glass ceiling in career progression". The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 44:1 42-64. Link to article here. Preprint arXiv:1902.06813
- Lennon O'Naraigh and Khang Ee Pang (2019) "A mathematical framework for determining the stability of steady states of reaction-diffusion equations with periodic source terms". IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 84: 669-678. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1808.10212
- Andrew Gloster and Lennon O'Naraigh and Khang Ee Pang (2019) "cuPentBatch - A batched pentadiagonal solver for NVIDIA GPUs". Computer Physics Communications 241:113-121. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1807.07382
- Lennon O'Naraigh (2019) "Travelling-wave spatially periodic forcing of asymmetric binary mixtures". Physica D 393:24-37. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1807.08538
- Aurore Naso and Lennon O'Naraigh (2018) "A flow-pattern map for phase separation using the Navier-Stokes Cahn-Hilliard model". European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 72: 576-585. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1707.06067
- Lennon O'Naraigh and Peter D. M. Spelt (2018) "Instability in three-dimensional gas/liquid two-layer channel flows". Journal of Fluid Mechanics 849: 1-34. Link to article here. Corrigendum to Appendix A here.
- Zlatko Solomenko, Peter D.M. Spelt, Lennon O'Naraigh, Pascal Alix (2017) "Mass conservation and reduction of parasitic interfacial waves in level-set methods for the numerical simulation of two-phase flows: a comparative study". International Journal of Multiphase Flow 95:235-256. Link to article here.
- Lennon O'Naraigh (2017) "Advection of nematic liquid crystals by chaotic flow". Invited article, Physics of Fluids 29:043102. Preprint: arXiv:1605.05527
- Lennon O'Naraigh and Ricardo Barros (2016) "Particle-laden viscous channel flows: model regularization and parameter study". European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids. 59:90-98. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1601.03565
- James Fannon, Iain Bethune, Prashant Valluri, Jean-Christophe Loiseau, and Lennon O'Naraigh (2016) "High-performance computational fluid dynamics: a custom-code approach" European Journal of Physics 37:045001. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1511.07800
- Patrick Schmidt, Lennon O'Naraigh, Mathieu Lucquiaud, and Prashant Valluri (2016) "Linear and nonlinear instability in vertical counter-current laminar gas-liquid flows". Physics of Fluids 28: 042102. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1507.04504
- Lennon O'Naraigh (2015) "Global modes in nonlinear non-normal evolutionary models: exact solutions, perturbation theory, direct numerical simulation, and chaos". Physica D 309:20-36. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1412.7429
- Lennon O'Naraigh, Selma Shun, and Aurore Naso (2015) "Flow-parametric regulation of shear-driven phase separation in two and three dimensions". Physical Review E 91:062127. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1407.7666
- Lennon O'Naraigh, Prashant Valluri, David Scott, Iain Bethune, and Peter D. M. Spelt (2014) "Linear instability, nonlinear instability, and ligament dynamics in three-dimensional laminar two-layer liquid/liquid flows". Journal of Fluid Mechanics 750: 464-506 (2014). Link to article here. Link to preprint here.
- Lennon O'Naraigh and Peter D. M. Spelt (2013) "An analytical connection between temporal and spatio-temporal growth rates in linear stability analysis". Proceedings of the Royal Society A 469: 2156. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1203.1797v4 (includes supplementary material).
- Lennon O'Naraigh and Doireann O'Kiely (2013) "Homogenization theory for periodic potentials in the Schroedinger Equation". European Journal of Physics 34:19. Preprint and companion document available.
- Lennon O'Naraigh , Peter D. M. Spelt, Stephn J. Shaw (2013) "Absolute linear instability in laminar and turbulent gas/liquid two-layer channel flow". Journal of Fluid Mechanics 714: 24. Preprint: arXiv:1204.1263v2.
- Lennon O'Naraigh, Peter Spelt, Omar Matar, Tamer Zaki (2011) "Interfacial instability in turbulent flow over a liquid film in a channel". International Journal Of Multiphase Flow
- Lennon O'Naraigh, Peter Spelt, Tamer Zaki (2011) "Turbulent flow over a liquid layer rvisited: multi-equation turbulent modelling". Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Lennon O'Naraigh, Khalid Kamhawi (2011) "Multiscale methods and modelling for chemical reactions on oscillating surfaces". I.M.A. Journal of Applied Mathematics. A preprint based on the published article is available here. Earlier (unpublished) work is availabe here: arXiv:0902.4116.
- Lennon O'Naraigh, Peter Spelt (2010) "Interfacial instability of turbulent two-phase stratified flow: Pressure-driven flow and non-Newtonian layers". Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
- Prashant Valluri, Lennon O'Naraigh, Hang Ding, Peter D. M. Spelt; (2010) "Linear and nonlinear spatio-temporal instability in laminar two-layer flows". Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Lennon O'Naraigh and Jean-Luc Thiffeault (2010) "Nonlinear dynamics of phase separation in thin films". Nonlinearity. Preprint: arXiv:0911.0583
- Lennon O'Naraigh (2010) "Modelling the growth rate of a tracer gradient using stochastic differential equations". European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids. Preprint: arXiv:1005.0550
- Darryl D. Holm, Lennon O'Naraigh, and Cesare Tronci (2009) "Singular solutions of a modified two-component Camassa-Holm equation". Physical Review E. Preprint: arXiv:0809.2538
- Darryl D. Holm, Lennon O'Naraigh, and Cesare Tronci (2008) "Emergent singular solutions of nonlocal density-magnetization equations in one dimension". Physical Review E. Preprint: arXiv:0711.2177
- Lennon O'Naraigh and Jean-Luc Thiffeault (2008) "Bounds on the mixing enhancement for a stirred binary fluid". Physica D. Preprint: arXiv:0709.1747
- Lennon O'Naraigh and Jean-Luc Thiffeault (2007) "Bubbles and filaments: Stirring a Cahn-Hilliard fluid". Physical Review E. Preprint: arXiv:physics/0609258
- Lennon O'Naraigh and Jean-Luc Thiffeault (2007) "Dynamical effects and phase separation in cooled binary fluid films". Physical Review E. Preprint: arXiv:physics/0703133
Peer-reviewed published conference proceedings
- Lennon O'Naraigh, Iain Bethune, David Scott, Zlatko Solomenko, Peter Spelt, Prashant Valluri (2017). "Direct numerical simulation of interfacial instability in gas-liquid flows." ParCFD 2017
- I. Bethune, T. Collis, L. O'Naraigh, D. Scott, and P. Valluri. "Developing a scalable and flexible high-resolution DNS code for two-phase flows." Parco 2015. Proceedings published in Parallel Computing: On the Road to Exascale (2016). Editors: Joubert, G.R., Leather, H., Parsons, M., Peters, F., Sawyer, M. IOS Press. Link here. Reprint here.
- Zadrazil, I., Christos N. Markides, Omar K. Matar, L. O. Naraigh, and Geoffrey F. Hewitt. "Characterisation of downwards co-current gas-liquid annular flows." THMT-12. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium On Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer Palermo, Italy, 24-27 September, 2012. ICHMT DIGITAL LIBRARY ONLINE (2012). Reprint here.
- L. O'Naraigh, O.K. Matar, P.D. M. Spelt, T.A. Zaki. "Interfacial stability in turbulent pressure-driven channel flow." AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings (2008).
- Andrew Gloster, Enda Carroll, Miguel D. Bustamante, and Lennon O'Naraigh (2021) "A Batched GPU Methodology for Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations". Preprint: arXiv:2107.05395v1
- Lennon O'Naraigh and Andrew Gloster (2019) "A large-scale statistical study of the coarsening rate in models of Ostwald-Ripening". Preprint: arXiv:1911.03386
Contributed Talks
- "A mathematical model and mesh-free numerical method for contact-line motion in lubrication theory." Invited seminar, University of Limerick, October 2024. Pdf available here
- "Bounds on the spreading radius in droplet impact: the inviscid case", Part of the Royal Society Fluid Mechanics Seminars (October 2024, online). Link here.
- "A mathematical model and mesh-free numerical method for contact-line motion in lubrication theory." Invited keynote talk at the European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting, September 2024. Pdf available here
- "New regularization of the contact-line singularity in droplet spreading." Invited seminar at the University of Madison, July 2024. Pdf available here
- "Flow Stability in Point Heated Droplets", BIFD talk of Khang Ee Pang, Edinburgh, August 2024. Pdf available here.
- "Bounds on the spreading radius in droplet impact: the inviscid case", BIFD talk, Edinburgh, August 2024. Pdf available here.
- "Mathematical Modelling of Water Flow in Soil", UCD Earth Institute, May 2024. Slides available here.
- "A Mathematical Framework of Optimal Control in Industrial Drying", Irish Mathematical Society invited talk, September 2022. Pdf available here.
- "A Cross-Validation Study of Computational Methods for Droplet Impact", BIFD talk, Groningen, August 2022. Pdf available here.
- "An elimination strategy for COVID-19 is the cheapest option", UCD Applied and Computational Mathematics Regular Seminar, September 2020. Pdf available here.
- "Thermal Science meets Mathematical Modelling - Opportunities for Applied Mathematics", NUIG Regular Seminar, Februrary 2020. Pdf available here.
- "New Perspectives in Modelling Heat Transfer and Multiphase Flow", Progress 100 Symposium and the Second ThermaSMART Annual Workshop, Kyushu University, Japan. December 2019. Pdf available here.
- "A Geometric Diffuse-Interface Method for Droplet Spreading", IMI Seminar, Kyushu University, Japan. August 2019.
- "A differential-equation-based model of the glass ceiling in career progression", UCD Applied and Compuational Mathematics regular seminar, January 2019. Pdf available here.
- "Travelling-wave spatially periodic forcing of asymmetric binary mixtures", Invited Seminar, University of Loughborough, January 2019. Pdf available here.
- "The formation of waves in a gas-liquid two-layer channel flow", Invited Speaker at the International Symposium on Data-Centre Cooling, Tianjin University of Commerce, China, December 2018. Pdf available here.
- "Travelling-wave spatially periodic forcing of asymmetric binary mixtures", APS DFD talk, Atlanta Georgia, November 2018. Pdf available here.
- "Travelling-wave spatially periodic forcing of asymmetric binary mixtures", UCD Applied and Compuational Mathematics regular seminar, October 2018. Pdf available here.
- "Direct numerical simulation of interfacial instability in gas-liquid flows", ParCFD 2017, University of Strathclyde, May 2017. Pdf available here.
- "Advection of nematic liquid crystals by chaotic flows", Turbulence and instabilities informal seminar, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, February 2017. Pdf available here.
- "Topics in the modelling and simulation of two-phase flows", Invited Seminar, University of Exeter, December 2016. Pdf available here.
- "Advection of nematic liquid crystals by chaotic flows", APS DFD talk, Portland Oregon, November 2016. Pdf available here.
- "Advection of nematic liquid crystals by chaotic flows", UCD Applied and Compuational Mathematics regular seminar, September 2016. Pdf available here.
- "Understanding turbulence with mathematical models: from 2x2 matrices to 1,000 CPU simulations", invited talk at the UCD Mathematics Society, April 2016. Pdf available here.
- "Topics in the modelling and simulation of two-phase flows", Invited Seminar, DCU, February 2016. Pdf available here.
- "Agglomeration and transport of drilling-generated particles in directional oil wells: analytical study", presentation at the Joint Symposium of the Irish Mechanics Society Irish Society for Scientific Engineering and Computation, December 2015. Pdf available here.
- "On the generation of nonlinear 3D interfacial waves in gas-liquid flows", Invited Seminar, UKHTC conference, Edinburgh, September 2015. Pdf available here.