
My Google Scholar Profile with links to publications and bibliometrics can be found here; the same list is available below with links to my own preprints.

Book Chapters

Lennon O'Naraigh and Prashant Valluri (2018) "Stability Analysis and Direct Numerical Simulation for Two-Phase Flows and Heat Transfer: A Complementary Approach" Encyclopedia of Two-Phase Heat Transfer and Flow IV. Singapore: World Scientific Press (Editor: John R Thome). Link to chapter here.

Works in Progress

  1. Khang Ee Pang, Lennon O'Naraigh, and Richard J. Smith (2022) "Convergence Analysis of the Particle Method for the Geometric Thin-Film Equation". Preprint: arXiv:2207.14175
  2. Khang Ee Pang, Lennon O'Naraigh, and Richard J. Smith (2022) "A new convergence analysis of the particle method for the Camassa-Holm equation". Preprint: arXiv:2112.10589

Regular articles

  1. Miguel D. Bustamante and Lennon O'Naraigh (2025) "Bounds on the Spreading Radius in Droplet Impact: The Viscous Case". Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the Royal Society A. Preprint: arXiv:2410.07904
  2. Alidad Amirfazli, Miguel D. Bustamante, Yating Hu, and Lennon O'Naraigh (2024) "Bounds on the Spreading Radius in Droplet Impact: The Inviscid Case". Proceedings of the Royal Society A 480:20230760. Preprint: arXiv:2310.08359
  3. Khang Ee Pang, Charles Cuvilier, Yutaku Kita, and Lennon O'Naraigh (2024) "Flow stability in shallow droplets subject to localized heating of the bottom plate". Physical Review Fluids 9: 014003. Preprint: arXiv:2307.09310
  4. Lennon O'Naraigh (2024) "A Mathematical Framework for Spatio-Temporal Control in Industrial Drying". International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 15:01. Preprint: arXiv:2404.16604
  5. Lennon O'Naraigh and Juan Mairal (2023) "Analysis of the Spreading Radius in Droplet Impact: The Two-Dimensional Case". Physics of Fluids 22: 301-336. Preprint: arXiv:2307.12838
  6. Khang Ee Pang and Lennon O'Naraigh (2022) "A mathematical model and mesh-free numerical method for contact-line motion in lubrication theory" Environmental Fluid Mechanics 22: 301-336. Open access. Link to article here.
  7. Lennon O'Naraigh and Aine Byrne (2020) "Piecewise-constant optimal control strategies for controlling the outbreak of COVID-19 in the Irish population". Mathematical Biosciences 330: 108496. Open access. Link to article here.
  8. Lennon O'Naraigh and Daniel R. Jansen van Vuuren (2020) "Linear and Nonlinear Stability Analysis in Microfluidic Systems". Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing 16: 383-410. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1911.12196
  9. Darryl D. Holm, Lennon O'Naraigh, and Cesare Tronci (2020). "A Geometric Diffuse-Interface Method for Droplet Spreading". Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476: 20190222. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1904.05783
  10. Andrew Gloster and Lennon O'Naraigh (2019) "cuSten - CUDA Finite Difference and Stencil Library". Software X 10: 100337. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1902.09931
  11. Lennon O'Naraigh (2019) "A differential-equation-based model of the glass ceiling in career progression". The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 44:1 42-64. Link to article here. Preprint arXiv:1902.06813
  12. Lennon O'Naraigh and Khang Ee Pang (2019) "A mathematical framework for determining the stability of steady states of reaction-diffusion equations with periodic source terms". IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 84: 669-678. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1808.10212
  13. Andrew Gloster and Lennon O'Naraigh and Khang Ee Pang (2019) "cuPentBatch - A batched pentadiagonal solver for NVIDIA GPUs". Computer Physics Communications 241:113-121. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1807.07382
  14. Lennon O'Naraigh (2019) "Travelling-wave spatially periodic forcing of asymmetric binary mixtures". Physica D 393:24-37. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1807.08538
  15. Aurore Naso and Lennon O'Naraigh (2018) "A flow-pattern map for phase separation using the Navier-Stokes Cahn-Hilliard model". European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 72: 576-585. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1707.06067
  16. Lennon O'Naraigh and Peter D. M. Spelt (2018) "Instability in three-dimensional gas/liquid two-layer channel flows". Journal of Fluid Mechanics 849: 1-34. Link to article here. Corrigendum to Appendix A here.
  17. Zlatko Solomenko, Peter D.M. Spelt, Lennon O'Naraigh, Pascal Alix (2017) "Mass conservation and reduction of parasitic interfacial waves in level-set methods for the numerical simulation of two-phase flows: a comparative study". International Journal of Multiphase Flow 95:235-256. Link to article here.
  18. Lennon O'Naraigh (2017) "Advection of nematic liquid crystals by chaotic flow". Invited article, Physics of Fluids 29:043102. Preprint: arXiv:1605.05527
  19. Lennon O'Naraigh and Ricardo Barros (2016) "Particle-laden viscous channel flows: model regularization and parameter study". European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids. 59:90-98. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1601.03565
  20. James Fannon, Iain Bethune, Prashant Valluri, Jean-Christophe Loiseau, and Lennon O'Naraigh (2016) "High-performance computational fluid dynamics: a custom-code approach" European Journal of Physics 37:045001. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1511.07800
  21. Patrick Schmidt, Lennon O'Naraigh, Mathieu Lucquiaud, and Prashant Valluri (2016) "Linear and nonlinear instability in vertical counter-current laminar gas-liquid flows". Physics of Fluids 28: 042102. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1507.04504
  22. Lennon O'Naraigh (2015) "Global modes in nonlinear non-normal evolutionary models: exact solutions, perturbation theory, direct numerical simulation, and chaos". Physica D 309:20-36. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1412.7429
  23. Lennon O'Naraigh, Selma Shun, and Aurore Naso (2015) "Flow-parametric regulation of shear-driven phase separation in two and three dimensions". Physical Review E 91:062127. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1407.7666
  24. Lennon O'Naraigh, Prashant Valluri, David Scott, Iain Bethune, and Peter D. M. Spelt (2014) "Linear instability, nonlinear instability, and ligament dynamics in three-dimensional laminar two-layer liquid/liquid flows". Journal of Fluid Mechanics 750: 464-506 (2014). Link to article here. Link to preprint here.
  25. Lennon O'Naraigh and Peter D. M. Spelt (2013) "An analytical connection between temporal and spatio-temporal growth rates in linear stability analysis". Proceedings of the Royal Society A 469: 2156. Link to article here. Preprint: arXiv:1203.1797v4 (includes supplementary material).
  26. Lennon O'Naraigh and Doireann O'Kiely (2013) "Homogenization theory for periodic potentials in the Schroedinger Equation". European Journal of Physics 34:19. Preprint and companion document available.
  27. Lennon O'Naraigh , Peter D. M. Spelt, Stephn J. Shaw (2013) "Absolute linear instability in laminar and turbulent gas/liquid two-layer channel flow". Journal of Fluid Mechanics 714: 24. Preprint: arXiv:1204.1263v2.
  28. Lennon O'Naraigh, Peter Spelt, Omar Matar, Tamer Zaki (2011) "Interfacial instability in turbulent flow over a liquid film in a channel". International Journal Of Multiphase Flow
  29. Lennon O'Naraigh, Peter Spelt, Tamer Zaki (2011) "Turbulent flow over a liquid layer rvisited: multi-equation turbulent modelling". Journal of Fluid Mechanics
  30. Lennon O'Naraigh, Khalid Kamhawi (2011) "Multiscale methods and modelling for chemical reactions on oscillating surfaces". I.M.A. Journal of Applied Mathematics. A preprint based on the published article is available here. Earlier (unpublished) work is availabe here: arXiv:0902.4116.
  31. Lennon O'Naraigh, Peter Spelt (2010) "Interfacial instability of turbulent two-phase stratified flow: Pressure-driven flow and non-Newtonian layers". Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
  32. Prashant Valluri, Lennon O'Naraigh, Hang Ding, Peter D. M. Spelt; (2010) "Linear and nonlinear spatio-temporal instability in laminar two-layer flows". Journal of Fluid Mechanics
  33. Lennon O'Naraigh and Jean-Luc Thiffeault (2010) "Nonlinear dynamics of phase separation in thin films". Nonlinearity. Preprint: arXiv:0911.0583
  34. Lennon O'Naraigh (2010) "Modelling the growth rate of a tracer gradient using stochastic differential equations". European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids. Preprint: arXiv:1005.0550
  35. Darryl D. Holm, Lennon O'Naraigh, and Cesare Tronci (2009) "Singular solutions of a modified two-component Camassa-Holm equation". Physical Review E. Preprint: arXiv:0809.2538
  36. Darryl D. Holm, Lennon O'Naraigh, and Cesare Tronci (2008) "Emergent singular solutions of nonlocal density-magnetization equations in one dimension". Physical Review E. Preprint: arXiv:0711.2177
  37. Lennon O'Naraigh and Jean-Luc Thiffeault (2008) "Bounds on the mixing enhancement for a stirred binary fluid". Physica D. Preprint: arXiv:0709.1747
  38. Lennon O'Naraigh and Jean-Luc Thiffeault (2007) "Bubbles and filaments: Stirring a Cahn-Hilliard fluid". Physical Review E. Preprint: arXiv:physics/0609258
  39. Lennon O'Naraigh and Jean-Luc Thiffeault (2007) "Dynamical effects and phase separation in cooled binary fluid films". Physical Review E. Preprint: arXiv:physics/0703133

Peer-reviewed published conference proceedings

  1. Lennon O'Naraigh, Iain Bethune, David Scott, Zlatko Solomenko, Peter Spelt, Prashant Valluri (2017). "Direct numerical simulation of interfacial instability in gas-liquid flows." ParCFD 2017
  2. I. Bethune, T. Collis, L. O'Naraigh, D. Scott, and P. Valluri. "Developing a scalable and flexible high-resolution DNS code for two-phase flows." Parco 2015. Proceedings published in Parallel Computing: On the Road to Exascale (2016). Editors: Joubert, G.R., Leather, H., Parsons, M., Peters, F., Sawyer, M. IOS Press. Link here. Reprint here.
  3. Zadrazil, I., Christos N. Markides, Omar K. Matar, L. O. Naraigh, and Geoffrey F. Hewitt. "Characterisation of downwards co-current gas-liquid annular flows." THMT-12. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium On Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer Palermo, Italy, 24-27 September, 2012. ICHMT DIGITAL LIBRARY ONLINE (2012). Reprint here.
  4. L. O'Naraigh, O.K. Matar, P.D. M. Spelt, T.A. Zaki. "Interfacial stability in turbulent pressure-driven channel flow." AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings (2008).


  1. Andrew Gloster, Enda Carroll, Miguel D. Bustamante, and Lennon O'Naraigh (2021) "A Batched GPU Methodology for Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations". Preprint: arXiv:2107.05395v1
  2. Lennon O'Naraigh and Andrew Gloster (2019) "A large-scale statistical study of the coarsening rate in models of Ostwald-Ripening". Preprint: arXiv:1911.03386

Contributed Talks

  1. "A mathematical model and mesh-free numerical method for contact-line motion in lubrication theory." Invited seminar, University of Limerick, October 2024. Pdf available here
  2. "Bounds on the spreading radius in droplet impact: the inviscid case", Part of the Royal Society Fluid Mechanics Seminars (October 2024, online). Link here.
  3. "A mathematical model and mesh-free numerical method for contact-line motion in lubrication theory." Invited keynote talk at the European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting, September 2024. Pdf available here
  4. "New regularization of the contact-line singularity in droplet spreading." Invited seminar at the University of Madison, July 2024. Pdf available here
  5. "Flow Stability in Point Heated Droplets", BIFD talk of Khang Ee Pang, Edinburgh, August 2024. Pdf available here.
  6. "Bounds on the spreading radius in droplet impact: the inviscid case", BIFD talk, Edinburgh, August 2024. Pdf available here.
  7. "Mathematical Modelling of Water Flow in Soil", UCD Earth Institute, May 2024. Slides available here.
  8. "A Mathematical Framework of Optimal Control in Industrial Drying", Irish Mathematical Society invited talk, September 2022. Pdf available here.
  9. "A Cross-Validation Study of Computational Methods for Droplet Impact", BIFD talk, Groningen, August 2022. Pdf available here.
  10. "An elimination strategy for COVID-19 is the cheapest option", UCD Applied and Computational Mathematics Regular Seminar, September 2020. Pdf available here.
  11. "Thermal Science meets Mathematical Modelling - Opportunities for Applied Mathematics", NUIG Regular Seminar, Februrary 2020. Pdf available here.
  12. "New Perspectives in Modelling Heat Transfer and Multiphase Flow", Progress 100 Symposium and the Second ThermaSMART Annual Workshop, Kyushu University, Japan. December 2019. Pdf available here.
  13. "A Geometric Diffuse-Interface Method for Droplet Spreading", IMI Seminar, Kyushu University, Japan. August 2019.
  14. "A differential-equation-based model of the glass ceiling in career progression", UCD Applied and Compuational Mathematics regular seminar, January 2019. Pdf available here.
  15. "Travelling-wave spatially periodic forcing of asymmetric binary mixtures", Invited Seminar, University of Loughborough, January 2019. Pdf available here.
  16. "The formation of waves in a gas-liquid two-layer channel flow", Invited Speaker at the International Symposium on Data-Centre Cooling, Tianjin University of Commerce, China, December 2018. Pdf available here.
  17. "Travelling-wave spatially periodic forcing of asymmetric binary mixtures", APS DFD talk, Atlanta Georgia, November 2018. Pdf available here.
  18. "Travelling-wave spatially periodic forcing of asymmetric binary mixtures", UCD Applied and Compuational Mathematics regular seminar, October 2018. Pdf available here.
  19. "Direct numerical simulation of interfacial instability in gas-liquid flows", ParCFD 2017, University of Strathclyde, May 2017. Pdf available here.
  20. "Advection of nematic liquid crystals by chaotic flows", Turbulence and instabilities informal seminar, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, February 2017. Pdf available here.
  21. "Topics in the modelling and simulation of two-phase flows", Invited Seminar, University of Exeter, December 2016. Pdf available here.
  22. "Advection of nematic liquid crystals by chaotic flows", APS DFD talk, Portland Oregon, November 2016. Pdf available here.
  23. "Advection of nematic liquid crystals by chaotic flows", UCD Applied and Compuational Mathematics regular seminar, September 2016. Pdf available here.
  24. "Understanding turbulence with mathematical models: from 2x2 matrices to 1,000 CPU simulations", invited talk at the UCD Mathematics Society, April 2016. Pdf available here.
  25. "Topics in the modelling and simulation of two-phase flows", Invited Seminar, DCU, February 2016. Pdf available here.
  26. "Agglomeration and transport of drilling-generated particles in directional oil wells: analytical study", presentation at the Joint Symposium of the Irish Mechanics Society Irish Society for Scientific Engineering and Computation, December 2015. Pdf available here.
  27. "On the generation of nonlinear 3D interfacial waves in gas-liquid flows", Invited Seminar, UKHTC conference, Edinburgh, September 2015. Pdf available here.