UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Seminars

Seminars 2007

Levels and Sublevels of Composition Algebras

James O' Shea
Thu 25th January 2007 - 11:00AM

Algebraic techniques in finite geometry: a case study

Jan de Beule, University of Ghent
Mon 29th January 2007 - 4:00PM

The work of the Consortium of Mathematics and its Applications

Dr Sol Garfunkel, Executive Director of COMAP
Tue 30th January 2007 - 11:00AM

Injective envelopes of operator spaces

B. Feely
Tue 30th January 2007 - 3:00PM

Integer Matrices

Raja Mukherji
Thu 1st February 2007 - 11:00AM

Thomson meets Morse: From numerical challenges to viruses' structure to Betti numbers... and back?

Alfredo Iorio (Inst. of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Charles University Prague)
Thu 1st February 2007 - 2:15PM

Statistics in the Pharmaceutical/CRO Industry

Susanne Crowe MSc
Fri 2nd February 2007 - 12:00PM

Introduction to noncommutative Iwasawa theory

Professor Peter Schneider (Universitat Muenster)
Fri 2nd February 2007 - 4:00PM

A nonlinear boundary value problem

R. Timoney
Tue 6th February 2007 - 3:30PM

On surfaces of constant width

B. Guilfoyle (I.T. Tralee)
Tue 6th February 2007 - 4:35PM

The Reeh-Schlieder property in curved spacetimes

Jacobus Sanders (University of York)
Wed 7th February 2007 - 2:15PM

Polynomials on Hilbert Operator Spaces

Cristina Radu
Thu 8th February 2007 - 11:00AM

CB-polynomials on finite dimensional Hilbert spaces

C. Radu
Tue 13th February 2007 - 3:00PM

Ptolemy meets Finsler in CAT(0) spaces

K. Falk (NUIM)
Tue 13th February 2007 - 4:15PM

On the Lefshetz Standard Conjecture

Dr Jose J. Ramon Mari
Wed 14th February 2007 - 5:00PM

Trace Forms of Symbol Algebras

Ronan Flatley
Thu 15th February 2007 - 11:00AM

Quadrature domains for harmonic functions

T. Sjodin
Tue 20th February 2007 - 4:35PM

The Non-negative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem

Anthony Cronin
Thu 22nd February 2007 - 11:00AM

Information session on doing a PGCE in Mathematics in the UK

Dr Robert Vertes, Senior Lecturer in Education, PGCE Admissions and Maths Tutor (St Mary's University College, London)
Fri 23rd February 2007 - 10:00AM

On boundaries for spaces of holomorphic functions

L. de Moraes (Rio de Janeiro)
Tue 27th February 2007 - 3:00PM

Embeddability of CR-manifolds into hyperquadrics

D. Zaitsev
Tue 27th February 2007 - 4:15PM

Realization of Nilpotent Groups with Restricted Ramification over Number Fields

Dr Nadya Markin (Claude Shannon Institute, UCD)
Wed 28th February 2007 - 5:00PM

Milnor-Witt K-theory

Tao Liqun
Thu 1st March 2007 - 11:00AM

A maximal C*-algebra of quotients

M. Mathieu (QUB)
Tue 6th March 2007 - 3:30PM

Laplacian growth and integrability of the Dirichlet problem

B. Gustafsson (KTH)
Tue 6th March 2007 - 4:35PM

Some Inverse Problems in Potential Theory

Joanna Pres
Thu 8th March 2007 - 11:00AM

From etale algebras to Clifford algebras

Professor Max-Albert Knus (ETH, Zurich)
Wed 28th March 2007 - 4:00PM

Spectra of Algebras of Holomorphic Functions

Anthony Brown
Thu 5th April 2007 - 11:00AM

Holomorphic functions on fully nuclear spaces

S. Dineen
Tue 10th April 2007 - 3:30PM

Inner automorphisms of spin factors

M. Mackey
Tue 10th April 2007 - 4:35PM

Combinatorial Congruences for Fourier Coefficients of Modular Forms

Dermot Mc Carthy
Thu 12th April 2007 - 11:00AM

Holomorphic functions on fully nuclear spaces II

S. Dineen
Tue 17th April 2007 - 3:00PM

Spin factors as operator spaces

R. Timoney
Tue 17th April 2007 - 4:15PM

Moduli spaces and local holomorphic Euler characteristic

E. Gasparim (Edinburgh)
Tue 24th April 2007 - 3:30PM

Inner automorphisms of spin factors II

M. Mackey
Tue 24th April 2007 - 4:45PM

Fourier Transforms on Finite Fields and an Application of Stickelberger's Theorem

Professor Gary McGuire (UCD, Claude Shannon Institute)
Wed 25th April 2007 - 5:00PM

100 years of the Orr mechanism for shear instability

Eyal Heifetz (Tel Aviv University)
Thu 26th April 2007 - 2:15PM

Regularity according to Vladimir Muller

R. Harte
Tue 1st May 2007 - 3:00PM

Simplicial complexes and inversions

S. Buckley (NUIM)
Tue 1st May 2007 - 4:15PM

An introduction to Milnor-Witt K-theory

Dr Kevin Hutchinson (UCD)
Wed 2nd May 2007 - 4:00PM

Trisecting the Angle

Anita Clare
Thu 3rd May 2007 - 11:00AM

Hydrologic data assimilation of multi-resolution microwave radiometer and radar measurements using ensemble smoothing.

Dr Susan Dunne (UCD Meteorology and Climate Centre, and UCD CASL)
Tue 15th May 2007 - 2:00PM

Black Hole Perturbations

Dr Sam Dolan (UCD School of Mathematical Sciences & UCD CASL)
Tue 22nd May 2007 - 2:00PM

On the annihilator of a Dolbeault group

Imre Patyi (Georgia State University)
Tue 22nd May 2007 - 3:30PM

Regularity according to Vladimir Muller, II

R. Harte
Tue 22nd May 2007 - 4:35PM

How are molecular outflows made?

Dr Turlough Downes (School of MAthematical Sciences, DCU)
Tue 29th May 2007 - 2:00PM

Severe Weather - Origins and Prediction

Dr Ross Reynolds (Reading University)
Thu 31st May 2007 - 2:15PM

A random walk with W.G.S.

Ken Duffy (Hamilton, NUIM)
Thu 31st May 2007 - 2:30PM

Generalised permutation patterns and related problems

Mark Dukes (UCD)
Thu 31st May 2007 - 3:00PM

Kelvin: Life, Labours and Legacy

Raymond Flood (Oxford)
Thu 31st May 2007 - 4:00PM

Volcano Seismicity: Modelling the origin of seismic activity

Dr Gareth O'Brien (Seismology and Computational Rock Physics Lab, School of Geological Sciences, UCD)
Tue 5th June 2007 - 2:00PM

Annihilating polynomial rings

Dr Stefan de Wannemacker (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Wed 6th June 2007 - 4:00PM

Smart Clothing and Seated Posture

Lucy Dunne (School of Computer Science and Informatics, UCD)
Tue 12th June 2007 - 2:00PM

Bounds on negative energy in quantum field theory

Dr Calvin Smith
Thu 14th June 2007 - 2:15PM

How to extend classical results from the theory of quadratic forms to forms of higher degree

Dr Susanne Pumpluen (University of Nottingham)
Fri 22nd June 2007 - 11:00AM

Character degrees and conjugacy class sizes of a finite group

Prof. Sandro Mattarei (University of Trento/University of Nottingham)
Fri 22nd June 2007 - 2:00PM

Discrete Element Method (DEM) modelling of rock

Martin Schopfer (Fault Analysis Group, UCD School of Geological Sciences)
Tue 26th June 2007 - 2:00PM

Generic splitting for abstract Witt rings

Vincent Astier (Universitaet Konstanz)
Tue 17th July 2007 - 3:00PM

Unfinished business: some open questions in classical analysis

D. Armitage (QUB)
Mon 3rd September 2007 - 11:00AM

The equation x^{p}y^{q}=z^{r} in tree-free groups

S. O'Rourke
Mon 3rd September 2007 - 12:00PM

Large fluctuations in stochastic dynamical systems

H.Z. Wu
Mon 3rd September 2007 - 3:00PM

How do students learn to understand formal mathematical concepts?

K. Weber (Rutgers)
Mon 3rd September 2007 - 4:00PM

On spaces of rational curves and their cohomology

Anca Mustata
Tue 4th September 2007 - 9:30AM

Nonpositive curvature on metric spaces

S. Buckley (NUIM)
Tue 4th September 2007 - 10:00AM

Ideals of homogeneous polynomials from a historical viewpoint

G. Botelho (Uberlândia, Brazil and Valencia, Span)
Tue 4th September 2007 - 11:00AM

Ramanujan, partitions, and overpartitions

R. Osburn
Tue 4th September 2007 - 2:00PM

A multivariable Cayley--Hamilton theorem

M. Mathieu
Tue 4th September 2007 - 4:00PM

The Ubiquity of Elliptic Curves

J. H. Silverman (Brown)
Tue 4th September 2007 - 7:30PM

PhD defence "Levels and sublevels of composition algebras"

James O'Shea (UCD)
Mon 17th September 2007 - 4:00PM

Nonsingular derivations of Lie algebras, binomial coefficients, Fermat curves over finite fields

Professor Sandro Mattarei (Trento)
Tue 18th September 2007 - 3:00PM

The Pfister Factor Conjecture

Dr Karim Johannes Becher (Universitaet Konstanz)
Wed 26th September 2007 - 4:00PM

Pythagoras Number of Function Fields of Conics

David Grimm (UCD)
Wed 26th September 2007 - 5:00PM

Heegner divisors, L-functions and Maass forms

Professor Ken Ono (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Wed 3rd October 2007 - 4:00PM

An Introduction to Grids, Grid-Ireland, and the EGEE

John Walsh (Trinity College Dublin)
Tue 9th October 2007 - 2:00PM

Transitivity of inner automorphisms, I

R. Hügli
Tue 9th October 2007 - 4:15PM

Mahler Measure of K3-Hypersurfaces

Professor Marie José Bertin (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
Wed 10th October 2007 - 4:00PM

Transitivity of inner automorphisms, II

M. Mackey
Tue 16th October 2007 - 2:30PM

Generalised Fredholm Operators

R. Harte
Tue 16th October 2007 - 4:00PM

How maths makes your iPod work - lecture

Professor Gary McGuire (UCD)
Wed 17th October 2007 - 11:00AM

Value functions and associated graded rings for central simple algebras

Professor Adrian Wadsworth (UCSD)
Wed 17th October 2007 - 4:00PM

"The Trans-Planckian Problem in Black Hole Evaporation and Modified Dispersion Relations"

Dr. Max Rinaldi (University of Bologna)
Thu 18th October 2007 - 2:15AM

Trans-Planckian problem and Modified Dispersion Relations

Dr. Massimiliano Rinaldi (Bologna)
Thu 18th October 2007 - 2:15PM

Radiation Reaction

Barry Wardell [UCD]
Fri 19th October 2007 - 2:00PM

Proper actions on C*-algebras

R. Archbold (Aberdeen)
Tue 23rd October 2007 - 3:00PM

Centralisers of spaces of symmetric tensor products

C. Boyd
Tue 23rd October 2007 - 4:15PM

Modeling of extreme water waves and tsunamis

Professor Frédéric Dias
Thu 25th October 2007 - 2:15PM

The underlying universality of Minkowski spacetime quantum field theory

Calvin Smith [UCD]
Fri 26th October 2007 - 11:00AM

Factorial states of C*-algebras

R. Timoney
Tue 30th October 2007 - 4:00PM

Congruences for combinatorial functions

Dr. Robert Osburn (UCD)
Wed 31st October 2007 - 4:00PM

Accretion Disc with a Dissipative Corona

Fazeleh Khajenabi [UCD]
Fri 2nd November 2007 - 10:30AM

Quick prediction of draft protein structures by machine learning

Dr Gianluca Pollastri (AmMBio group, UCD)
Tue 6th November 2007 - 2:00PM

Holomorphic functions on fully nuclear spaces

S. Dineen
Tue 6th November 2007 - 3:00PM

Polynomials on interpolated spaces

C. Radu
Tue 6th November 2007 - 4:15PM

The Exact Renormalization Group: Introduction and Applications

Dr. Oliver J. Rosten (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies)
Thu 8th November 2007 - 2:15PM

Convergence in the Hoermander pseudo topology

Calvin Smith [UCD]
Fri 9th November 2007 - 10:30AM

Factorial states of C*-algebras II

R. Timoney
Tue 13th November 2007 - 2:30PM

Holomorphic functions on fully nuclear spaces II

S. Dineen
Tue 13th November 2007 - 4:00PM

Parity of Fourier coefficients of modular forms

Professor Scott Ahlgren (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Wed 14th November 2007 - 4:00PM

Tensor products of Banach lattices

G. Buskes (Mississippi)
Tue 20th November 2007 - 3:00PM

Holomorphic functions on complex Banach lattices

R. Ryan (NUIG)
Tue 20th November 2007 - 4:15PM

Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling and Solar Influences on Climate

Prof Joanna Haigh (Imperial College London)
Wed 21st November 2007 - 12:00PM

Gauss' Method for determining cyclotomic numbers

Dr. Ciaran Mac an Bhaird (NUIM)
Wed 21st November 2007 - 4:00PM

Why is the atmosphere so predictable?

Dr Mike Cullen (Met Office, Exeter)
Thu 22nd November 2007 - 2:15PM

Generalization of the Candelas method and a new WKB type approximation

Daniel Foran [UCD]
Fri 23rd November 2007 - 2:30PM

Large Scale Relational Information Visualisation Methods

Dr. Aaron Quigley (UCD)
Tue 27th November 2007 - 2:00PM

Dunford-Pettis properties in operator algebras

L. Bunce (Reading)
Tue 27th November 2007 - 2:30PM

A characterisation of the Hp spaces and one of its consequences

D. Walsh (NUIM)
Tue 27th November 2007 - 4:00PM

Is the shell-focusing singularity of Szekeres space-time visible?

Dr. Brien Nolan (Dublin City University)
Thu 29th November 2007 - 2:15PM

Appell-Lerch sums and their modular transformation properties

Dr. Sander Zwegers (UCD)
Wed 5th December 2007 - 4:00PM

Adapting data representation techniques used for the CMB to the stochastic gravitational wave background

Clíona Golden [UCD ] & David Brodigan [UCD}
Fri 7th December 2007 - 11:00AM

Variational method for estimating convergence rate of MCMC algorithms

Fergal Casey (Conway Institute, University College Dublin)
Fri 7th December 2007 - 4:00PM

Archive: 1980 - 1981 - 1982 - 1983 - 1984 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 - 2025 -

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