Lucy Dunne (School of Computer Science and Informatics, UCD)
will speak on
Smart Clothing and Seated Posture
Time: 2:00PM
Date: Tue 12th June 2007
Location: CASL Seminar Room - Belfield Office Park
Further informationAbstract: Electronic technology offers clothing a world of adaptive functionality for protection, expression, and communication. Body sensing is one of the most compelling application areas of wearable technology, exploiting the surface area, omnipresence, and social acceptability of clothing to obtain data for medical monitoring, sports, gaming, and many other applications.
Lucy will provide an introduction to the field of wearable technology, and describe the research and development process of a posture-monitoring garment for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders associated with long-term computer use.
For more information see
(This talk is part of the CASL Computational Science series.)
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