UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Seminars

Seminars 2020

Improved estimation in partially specified models

Ioannis Kosmidis (University of Warwick)
Thu 23rd January 2020 - 3:00PM

Knobbly but nice

Neil Dobbs
Tue 28th January 2020 - 4:00PM

The two-periodic Aztec diamond and matrix valued orthogonality

Arno Kuijlaars (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Wed 29th January 2020 - 2:00PM

Genus g Zhu recursion for vertex operator algebras

Michael Tuite (Galway)
Thu 30th January 2020 - 2:00PM

Better than the best? Blending models and approaches in density-based clustering

Alessandro Casa (University College Dublin)
Mon 3rd February 2020 - 12:00PM

More Spectral Disjointness

Robin Harte (TCD)
Tue 4th February 2020 - 4:00PM

The scaling limit of a critical random directed graph

Christina Goldschmidt (Oxford)
Wed 5th February 2020 - 2:00PM

On a p-adic family for the Dth Shintani liftings

Daniele Casazza (UCD)
Thu 6th February 2020 - 2:00PM

Can maths explain your love of music?

Aine Byrne (University College Dublin)
Mon 10th February 2020 - 1:00PM

Global integrability of super-temperatures and intrinsic ultracontractivity

Hiroaki Aikawa, (Chubu University, Nagoya, Japan)
Tue 11th February 2020 - 3:00PM

A strong form of Plessner's theorem I

S. Gardiner
Tue 11th February 2020 - 4:20PM

The boundary of the orbital beta process

Theo Assiotis (Oxford)
Wed 12th February 2020 - 2:00PM

Error-correcting Codes using Matrices for Post-Quantum Cryptography

John Sheeky (UCD)
Thu 13th February 2020 - 2:00PM

A latent variable approach to infer food intake using multiple metabolomic biomarkers

Silvia D'Angelo (University College Dublin)
Mon 17th February 2020 - 12:00PM

Pattern formations and the “hot spots” conjecture

Yasuhito Miyamoto (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Tue 18th February 2020 - 3:00PM

A strong form of Plessner's theorem II

Stpehrn Gardiner
Tue 18th February 2020 - 4:20PM

Models of random graphs and random metric spaces seen through the prism of cumulants

Pierre-Loïc Méliot (Orsay)
Wed 19th February 2020 - 2:00PM

Statistical methods for personalised medicine: Optimising asthma treatment using mobile device data

Garrett Greene (University College Dublin)
Thu 20th February 2020 - 2:00PM

The effect on inferences of population size of the sampling scheme for intraspecific DNA sequences

Suzy Whoriskey (University College Dublin)
Mon 24th February 2020 - 12:00PM

It\^{o}'s Formula for Mundane Functions

Andrew Smith
Tue 25th February 2020 - 4:00PM

On certain algebraic constructions of symmetric graphs

Bostjan Kuzman (Ljubljana)
Thu 27th February 2020 - 2:00PM

Generating Gamma Processes

Andrew Smith (University College Dublin)
Mon 2nd March 2020 - 12:00PM

Entrance and exit at infinity for stable jump diffusions

Andreas Kyprianou (Bath)
Tue 3rd March 2020 - 2:00PM

Error estimates for polysplines and maximum principles

Hermann Render
Tue 3rd March 2020 - 4:00PM

The Kolyvagin Conjecture for modular forms

Matteo Longo (Padova)
Thu 5th March 2020 - 2:00PM

Complex Hadamard matrices, minimal polynomials and morphisms

Padraig O'Cathain (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Thu 12th March 2020 - 2:00PM

Computational Toolbox for Analysis of Metabolomics Data

Luiza Piancastelli, Xian Yao Gwee and Sajal Minhas (University College Dublin)
Mon 23rd March 2020 - 12:00PM

A field theory for smooth dynamics

Professor MARCO MARTENS (State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA)
Tue 24th March 2020 - 3:00PM

(CANCELLED) On shocks in TASEP

(CANCELLED) Mustazee Rahman (Durham)
Wed 25th March 2020 - 2:00PM

Distances between probability distributions via Stein’s method

Yvik Swan (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Thu 26th March 2020 - 3:00PM

A Dirichlet Form approach to MCMC Optimal Scaling

Wilfrid Kendall (University of Warwick)
Thu 23rd April 2020 - 3:00PM

Order Continuity on Banach Lattices

Ray Ryan (NUI Galway)
Tue 19th May 2020 - 4:00PM

An elimination strategy for COVID-19 is the cheapest option

Lennon Ó'Náraigh (University College Dublin)
Wed 30th September 2020 - 3:00PM

Finite Fields Meet Markov Chains

Persi Diaconis (Stanford)
Thu 1st October 2020 - 2:00PM

Dwork Crystals

Masha Vlasenko (IMPAN Warsaw)
Thu 8th October 2020 - 2:00PM

Bayesian Ancestral Reconstruction for Bat Echolocation

Joe Meagher (University College Dublin)
Mon 12th October 2020 - 12:00PM

Self-intersection local times of random fields in stochastic flows

Olga Izyumtseva (UCD)
Wed 14th October 2020 - 3:00PM

Curves over finite fields and their rational points

Alp Bassa (Istanbul)
Thu 15th October 2020 - 2:00PM

Analyzing cause-specific mortality trends using Compositional Functional Data Analysis

Marco Stefanucci (University of Padua)
Mon 19th October 2020 - 12:00PM

Disorder relevance and the continuum random field Ising model

Adam Bowditch (UCD)
Wed 21st October 2020 - 3:00PM

Slopes of modular forms and the ghost conjecture

Robert Pollack (Boston)
Thu 22nd October 2020 - 2:00PM

Hilbert's 12th problem: A p-adic approach

Jan Vonk (Leiden)
Tue 27th October 2020 - 3:00PM

Eisenstein congruences at prime-square level

Jackie Lang (Oxford)
Thu 5th November 2020 - 2:00PM

Harmonic and polyharmonic mappings on the plane

Stavros Evdoridis (Aalto University, Finland)
Tue 10th November 2020 - 4:00PM

On the two-dimensional KPZ and Stochastic Heat Equation

Francesco Caravenna (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Wed 11th November 2020 - 3:00PM

Integrality of twisted L-values of elliptic curves

Chris Wuthrich (Nottingham)
Thu 12th November 2020 - 2:00PM

Manifold structure in graph embeddings

Patrick Rubin-Delanchy (University of Bristol)
Mon 16th November 2020 - 12:00PM

Complex approximation: from one to several variables

Myrto Manolaki
Tue 17th November 2020 - 4:00PM

p-adic L-functions in higher dimensions

Christopher Williams (Warwick)
Thu 19th November 2020 - 2:00PM

Understanding priors in Bayesian neural networks at the unit level

Julyan Arbel (INRIA Grenoble - Rhone-Alpes)
Mon 23rd November 2020 - 12:00PM

Symmetric power functoriality for modular forms

James Newton (London)
Thu 26th November 2020 - 2:00PM

Bayesian dynamic network actor models with application to South Korean COVID-19 patient movement data

Antonio Mario Arrizza (University of Bologna)
Mon 30th November 2020 - 12:00PM

Non-intersecting Brownian motions with outliers, KPZ fluctuations and random matrices

Daniel Remenik (University of Chile)
Wed 2nd December 2020 - 3:00PM

Linear forms in logarithms and solving Diophantine equations

Kwok Chi Chim (UCD)
Thu 3rd December 2020 - 2:00PM

Properties of the stochastic approximation EM algorithm with mini-batch sampling

Catherine Matias (LPSM Sorbonne Université, Université de Paris, CNRS)
Mon 7th December 2020 - 12:00PM

The stationary (2+1)-dimensional AKPZ equation

Fabio Toninelli (Vienna)
Wed 9th December 2020 - 3:00PM

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