
  • Algebra and Number Theory
  • Analysis
  • Applied and Computational Mathematics
  • General Interest
  • Probability
  • Statistics and Actuarial Science
  • UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium
  • Working Group on Statistical Learning
  • Analysis Seminars 2024

    Iteration of holomorphic maps on complex Banach spaces

    Pauline Mellon
    Tue 30th January 2024 - 3:00PM

    Non-local games with quantum questions and answers

    Rupert Levene
    Tue 6th February 2024 - 3:00PM

    Invariant measures and statistical limit laws in chaotic billiards

    Alexey Korepanov (Loughborough University)
    Tue 13th February 2024 - 3:00PM

    The logistic equation with nonlinear directed advection

    Jack McNicholl
    Tue 20th February 2024 - 3:00PM

    Averaging operators in metric measure spaces

    Jesús M. Aldaz (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and ICMAT)
    Tue 27th February 2024 - 3:00PM

    Non-Local Games and Operator Algebras

    Priyanga Ganesan (University of California San Diego)
    Tue 26th March 2024 - 3:00PM

    The Regular Radius of Convergence

    C. Boyd
    Tue 9th April 2024 - 3:00PM

    Random Carleson Measures in the Polydisc

    Alberto Dayan (Saarland University)
    Tue 16th April 2024 - 12:00AM

    An uncertainty principle for the Vaserstein distance

    Tom Carroll (UCC)
    Tue 16th April 2024 - 3:00PM

    Examples of Universal Dirichlet series

    Athanasios Kouroupis (e Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
    Mon 22nd April 2024 - 3:00PM

    Some recent progress on Lipschitz-free spaces

    Gilles Godefroy (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu)
    Tue 30th April 2024 - 3:00PM

    Approximation on compact sets of functions and all derivatives

    Vassili Nestoridis (University of Athens)
    Tue 7th May 2024 - 3:00PM

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