Alexey Korepanov (Loughborough University)

will speak on

Invariant measures and statistical limit laws in chaotic billiards

Time: 3:00PM
Date: Tue 13th February 2024
Location: E0.32 (beside Pi restaurant) [map]

Further information

Abstract: Chaotic billiards, originating with Lorentz in 1905, became very popular models in chaos theory, shedding light on various real-life phenomena. Despite conceptual simplicity, they are infamously difficult mathematically, which is attributed in part to the interplay of discontinuities and unbounded derivatives.

I plan to talk about different invariant probability measures governing chaotic billiards and the related probabilistic laws. This is a rich area, drawing from classical works by Y. Sinai, L. Bunimovich, N. Chernov, with most recent advancements by V. Baladi, J. Carrand, M. Demers, and myself, among many others.

(This talk is part of the Analysis series.)

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