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UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Seminars
Algebra and Number Theory
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Statistics and Actuarial Science
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Working Group on Statistical Learning
Seminars 2009
Inferring ecologically recent migration rates from multilocus genotype data: one use of a mixture model
Dr Jon Yearsley, (School of Biology and Environmental Science, UCD)
Thu 15th January 2009 - 3:00PM
Polynomial numerical indices
B. Grecu (QUB)
Tue 20th January 2009 - 3:00PM
Large deviations of stochastic functional differential equations with applications in inefficient markets
H. Wu (DCU)
Tue 20th January 2009 - 4:15PM
Polynomial Ideals
Anthony Brown
Wed 21st January 2009 - 3:00PM
Semi-stable abelian varieties with good reduction outside 15
Professor Rene Schoof (Universita di Roma)
Mon 26th January 2009 - 4:00PM
Universal elements for non-linear operators and their applications
A. Shkarin (QUB)
Tue 27th January 2009 - 2:30PM
Generalizations of the Bishop-Phelps-Bollabas Theorem
R. Aron
Tue 27th January 2009 - 4:00PM
Special Values of Gaussian Hypergeometric Series and Modular Forms
Dermot McCarthy
Wed 28th January 2009 - 3:00PM
Finite congruence-simple semirings and their application to public-key cryptography
Jens Zumbraegel (UCD/CSI)
Mon 2nd February 2009 - 4:00PM
Markov's inequality
R. Harte
Tue 3rd February 2009 - 3:00PM
A Russo-Dye theorem
M. Mackey
Tue 3rd February 2009 - 4:15PM
Positive Harmonic Functions on Denjoy Type Domains
Joanna Pres
Wed 4th February 2009 - 3:00PM
Rankin-Cohen brackets and van der Pol-type identities for Ramanujan's tau function
Dr. Brundaban Sahu (UCD)
Wed 4th February 2009 - 4:00PM
Instabilities of Rossby Waves and the Generation of Zonal Flows
Colm Connaughton (Warwick Mathematics Institute and Centre for Complexity Science)
Fri 6th February 2009 - 2:15PM
Nonlinear resonance analysis (NRA) – what is it for?
Elena Kartashova (Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University, Austria)
Fri 6th February 2009 - 3:30PM
The automorphism group of binary self-dual type II codes
Annika Guenther (Aachen)
Mon 9th February 2009 - 4:00PM
Radial symmetry of solutions to some singular elliptic equations
M. Ghergu
Tue 10th February 2009 - 2:30PM
Left and right topological stable rank
R. Levene
Tue 10th February 2009 - 4:00PM
The structure of annihilating polynomials for quadratic forms
Mr. Klaas-Tido Ruehl (EPFL)
Wed 11th February 2009 - 4:00PM
Harmonic divisors and irrationality of zeros of Jacobi polynomials
H. Render (UCD)
Tue 17th February 2009 - 3:00PM
Analytic boundaries of Marcinkiewicz sequence spaces
C. Boyd
Tue 17th February 2009 - 4:15PM
Edwards Curves in Crypography
Richard Moloney
Wed 18th February 2009 - 3:00PM
Realizability problem for etale wild kernels of number fields
Dr. Luca Caputo (UCD)
Wed 18th February 2009 - 4:00PM
Trilinear forms, subspaces of bilinear forms and group actions
Rod Gow (UCD)
Mon 23rd February 2009 - 4:00PM
Boundedly integral holomorphic functions
A. Brown
Tue 24th February 2009 - 3:00PM
Operator ranges
D. Kitson
Tue 24th February 2009 - 4:15PM
Finding fields to realize the axiomatic theory of quadratic forms
Dr. Vincent Astier (UCD)
Wed 25th February 2009 - 4:00PM
A CM construction of curves of genus 2 and p-rank 1
Gary McGuire (UCD)
Mon 2nd March 2009 - 4:00PM
Algebraic Observations in ring-linear coding
Cathy McFadden
Tue 3rd March 2009 - 10:00AM
Holomorphic semigroups
S. Dineen
Tue 3rd March 2009 - 2:30PM
Perturbations of nuclear C*-algebras
S. White (Glasgow)
Tue 3rd March 2009 - 4:00PM
Tate's Theorem on Elliptic Curnes and a look at generalizations
David Conti
Wed 4th March 2009 - 3:00PM
Diophantine equations after Fermat's Theorem
Dr. Samir Siksek (University of Warwick)
Wed 4th March 2009 - 4:00PM
Golay pseudocodewords
Nigel Boston (UCD/CSI)
Mon 23rd March 2009 - 4:00PM
Algebraic Geometry in Error Correcting Codes
Vijaykumar Singh
Wed 25th March 2009 - 3:00PM
Lattices and number fields
Professor Eva Bayer-Fluckiger (EPFL)
Wed 25th March 2009 - 4:00PM
On a class of lacunary sets in the free group
A.-M. Stan (U. de Franche-Comte, Besancon)
Tue 31st March 2009 - 4:00PM
Error Control for Network Codes
Geoff Walsh
Wed 1st April 2009 - 3:00PM
Lattice sums and Mahler measure
Dr. Mat Rogers (UIUC and Bonn)
Wed 1st April 2009 - 4:00PM
Costes Arrays: An Elusive Mathematical Construction
Daniel Lynch
Tue 7th April 2009 - 10:00AM
Codes over Finite Rings and Applications to Combinatorics
Alison Sneyd
Wed 8th April 2009 - 3:00PM
A few examples of combinatorics in number theory
Professor Emmanuel Royer (Universite Blaise Pascal)
Wed 8th April 2009 - 4:00PM
Generating Functions
Ray Kinane
Tue 14th April 2009 - 10:00AM
The Structure of Geodesics in Kerr Spacetime
Colin Rylands
Wed 15th April 2009 - 3:00PM
Lifting modular forms: Hecke eigenvalues, Poincare series, and differential operators
Dr. Robert Rhoades (EPFL)
Wed 15th April 2009 - 4:00PM
Statistical palaeoclimate reconstruction with proxies
Andrew Parnell (UCD)
Thu 16th April 2009 - 3:00PM
Cyclicity of central simple algebras and the group E_8
Lien Boelaert
Tue 21st April 2009 - 10:00AM
Hardy Inequality and L_p estimates for the torsion function
T. Carroll (UCC)
Tue 21st April 2009 - 2:30PM
Irreducible semigroups of matrices
P. Rosenthal (Toronto)
Tue 21st April 2009 - 4:00PM
Geometric Algebra and Application to Complex Variable Theory
Michael Bradford
Wed 22nd April 2009 - 3:00PM
The Procesi-Schacher conjecture and Hilbert's 17th problem for algebras with involution
Dr. Thomas Unger (UCD)
Wed 22nd April 2009 - 4:00PM
Bifurcations in non-smooth dynamical systems
Prof Chris Budd (Bath)
Fri 24th April 2009 - 3:00PM
Drinfeld modular forms, Galois representations and Hecke characters
Gebhard Boeckle (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Mon 27th April 2009 - 4:00PM
Joint approximation of Hardy harmonic functions
Mary Hanley
Tue 28th April 2009 - 4:15PM
Serre curves in one-parameter families
Dr. Alina Carmen Cojocaru (UIC and MPIM)
Wed 29th April 2009 - 4:00PM
Detecting Monotone Association in an Unspecified Subpopulation
Joe Verducci (Ohio State University)
Thu 30th April 2009 - 3:00PM
Topological Data Analysis
Kevin Knudson (Mississippi State University)
Tue 5th May 2009 - 4:00PM
Coastal Meteorology in the 9th, 13th and 21st Centuries
Prof Haraldur Olafsson (University of Iceland)
Tue 26th May 2009 - 2:30PM
Maximal extension of the noncommutative geometry inspired Schwarzschild metric.
Davide Batic (Uniandes, Bogota)
Thu 28th May 2009 - 2:00PM
Distributions in Number Theory
Professor Nigel Boston (Stokes Professor,UCD)
Fri 12th June 2009 - 3:30PM
Small Categories and their Convolutional Algebras over Semirings
Prof Stefan E. Schmidt (TU Dresden)
Mon 7th September 2009 - 4:00PM
Folding, Tiling and Applications to Multidimensional Coding
Prof Tuvi Etzion (Technion IIT)
Tue 8th September 2009 - 11:00AM
Zeta Functions of an Optimal Tower of Function Fields
Dr Alexey Zaytev (CSI & Sch. Math. Sc., University College Dublin)
Mon 14th September 2009 - 4:00PM
Operator machines on directed graphs
Richard Smith (UCD)
Tue 15th September 2009 - 4:00PM
Simultaneous representation of primes by quadratic forms
Dr. David Brink (UCD)
Wed 16th September 2009 - 3:00PM
The 13/3 Problem and Hyperelliptic Supersingular Curves
Gary McGuire, University College Dublin
Mon 21st September 2009 - 4:00PM
Angular derivatives in the bidisc
J. McCarthy (Washington University, St. Louis & TCD)
Tue 22nd September 2009 - 2:30PM
Spaceable linear complements
R. Timoney
Tue 22nd September 2009 - 4:00PM
Trace forms of symbol algebras
Ronan Flatley (UCD)
Wed 23rd September 2009 - 3:00PM
The Geometry of Special Lattices
Madeeha Khalid (St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, DCU)
Mon 28th September 2009 - 4:00PM
Positive harmonic functions on comb-like domains
J. Pres (UCD)
Tue 29th September 2009 - 3:00PM
The spectral topology in rings
R. Harte
Tue 29th September 2009 - 4:15PM
Ramanujan and the theory of modular forms
Professor Heng Huat Chan (National University of Singapore and MPIM)
Wed 30th September 2009 - 3:00PM
Reconnection and Wave dynamics for classical and quantum vortices
Robert M. Kerr (University of Warwick, UK)
Thu 1st October 2009 - 3:00PM
A family of polynomials related to the cross-correlation of Golomb Costas arrays
Konstantinos Drakakis (University College, Dublin)
Mon 5th October 2009 - 4:00PM
Solving Poisson's equation with interior conditions
J. McCarthy (Washington U. & TCD)
Tue 6th October 2009 - 2:30PM
Common hypercyclic vectors of Birkhoff-type hypercyclic operators
N. Tsirivas
Tue 6th October 2009 - 4:00PM
Cyclotomic units and Greenberg's conjecture
Dr. Filippo Nuccio (Universitaet Heidelberg)
Wed 7th October 2009 - 3:00PM
Totally Nonnegative (0,1) Matrices
Prof Steve Kirkland (Hamilton Institute, NUIM)
Mon 12th October 2009 - 4:00PM
Extreme and exposed points of spaces of integral polynomials
C. Boyd
Tue 13th October 2009 - 3:00PM
Champagne domains with unavoidable bubbles
M. Ghergu
Tue 13th October 2009 - 4:15PM
Brauer relations
Dr. Luca Caputo (UCD)
Wed 14th October 2009 - 3:00PM
New 2-arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes
Michael Kiermaier (Univ. of Bayreuth)
Mon 19th October 2009 - 4:00PM
Lambda commuting operators
R. Harte
Tue 20th October 2009 - 2:30PM
The Browder spectrum of an elementary operator
D. Kitson
Tue 20th October 2009 - 4:00PM
Involutions in Symbol Algebras
Ronan Flatley
Fri 23rd October 2009 - 11:00AM
On the Khavinson-Shapiro conjecture
H. Render
Tue 27th October 2009 - 3:00PM
Strict convexity and topology in dual Banach spaces
R. J. Smith
Tue 27th October 2009 - 4:15PM
p-adic hypergeometric series and supercongruences
Dermot McCarthy (UCD)
Wed 28th October 2009 - 3:00PM
Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Nonnegative Matrices
Anthony Cronin
Fri 30th October 2009 - 11:00AM
A subspace of symmetric bilinear forms derived from the simple exceptional Jordan algebra
Professor Rod Gow
Mon 2nd November 2009 - 4:00PM
Almansi representations of polyharmonic functions
H. Render
Tue 3rd November 2009 - 4:00PM
Analogs of the Brauer-Siegel theorem for abelian varieties over global fields
Professor Marc Hindry (Universite Paris Diderot)
Wed 4th November 2009 - 3:00PM
Polynomials of Degree n
Anthony Brown
Fri 6th November 2009 - 11:00AM
he Intersection of Two Fermat Hypersurfaces in P^3 via Computation of Quotient Curves
Vijay Singh (Sch. Math. Sci, UCD)
Mon 9th November 2009 - 4:00PM
Sets of determination for the Nevanlinna class
S. Gardiner
Tue 10th November 2009 - 3:00PM
Generalized modular functions and their Fourier coefficients
Professor Winfried Kohnen (Universitaet Heidelberg)
Wed 11th November 2009 - 3:00PM
p-adic Hypergeometric Series and Supercongruences
Dermot McCarthy
Fri 13th November 2009 - 11:00AM
Sofic shifts and their zeta functions
Dr Akiko Manada (Sch Math Sci & Claude Shannon Inst., UCD)
Mon 16th November 2009 - 4:00PM
Contour dynamics and Virasoro algebra
A. Vasiliev (U. Bergen)
Tue 17th November 2009 - 2:30PM
Automatic complete boundedness
R. Levene
Tue 17th November 2009 - 4:00PM
Applications of patching methods to quadratic forms
Professor Julia Hartmann (Aachen University)
Wed 18th November 2009 - 3:00PM
Interfacial instability of turbulent two-phase stratified channel flow
Dr Lennon O Naraigh (Imperial College London)
Thu 19th November 2009 - 2:15PM
Positive Harmonic Functions on Comb-like Domains
Joanna Pres
Fri 20th November 2009 - 11:00AM
The Tate module of Deligne's 1 motive and class groups as Galois modules
Professor Cornelius Greither (Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen)
Wed 25th November 2009 - 3:00PM
Finite Subfields
John Sheekey
Fri 27th November 2009 - 11:00AM
Bundles and sheaves of C*-algebras
M. Mathieu (QUB)
Tue 1st December 2009 - 2:30PM
Flow induced by the deep-water Stokes wave
D. Henry (DCU)
Tue 1st December 2009 - 4:00PM
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