Jens Zumbraegel (UCD/CSI)

will speak on

Finite congruence-simple semirings and their application to public-key cryptography

Time: 4:00PM
Date: Mon 2nd February 2009
Location: Mathematical Sciences Seminar Room [map]

Abstract: A set with two binary operations (R,+,*) is called a semiring if (R,+)
is a commutative semigroup, (R,*) is a semigroup, and both
distributive laws hold. We assume that R has always a zero-element
which is neutral in (R,+) and absorbing in (R,*). Semirings arise in
numerous occasions, the natural numbers (N={0,1,2,dots},+,*) probably
being the most well-known example. The structure of a semiring is in
a sense the most general over which matrix operations can be defined.
Problems from graph theory like shortest path have concise
descriptions using certain semirings.

Finite semirings can be applied in public-key cryptography to
construct semigroup actions that may serve as a basis for generalised
Diffie-Hellman and ElGamal cryptosystems. For cryptographic purposes
it is important that the semiring in use is congruence-simple, meaning
that it cannot be homomorphically mapped onto a smaller semiring.
This leads to the question whether useful congruence-simple semirings

In the talk a full classification of finite congruence-simple
semirings will be presented and the proof will be sketched. The
result generalises the classical Wedderburn-Artin theorem on the
classification of finite simple rings. A substantial notion in the
proof is that of (strongly) irreducible semimodules over semirings.
Key results are that 1) any finite congruence-simple semiring R
admits an irreducible semimodule M, and 2) a density result stating
that R is then a "dense" subsemiring of the endomorphism semiring
End(M) of the commutative monoid (M,+).

(This talk is part of the Algebra and Number Theory series.)

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