
- 2023 -- present: Head of School.
- 2014 -- present: Full Professor, UCD.
- 2013 -- present: co-PI: Insight.
- 2007 -- 2014: Associate Professor, UCD.
- 2013 -- 2018: Adjunct Professor, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
- 2006 -- 2007: Reader in Statistics, University of Glasgow.
- 2002 -- 2006: Lecturer in Statistics, University of Glasgow.
- 2001: Research associate, University of Cambridge and AUEB, Athens.
- 2000: Research associate, Queensland University of Technology.
- 1996 -- 1999: Ph.D., Statistics, University of Glasgow.
- 1991 -- 1996: B.Sc, M.Sc., Mathematics, NUI, Galway.
My UCD webpage.
- I gave a keynote presentation at the annual Royal Statistical Society Conference, September 2-5, 2024 in Brighton.
- Read an RTE Brainstorm article explaining that the English Premier Leagues is becoming increasingly less competitive over time. This article is based on our paper published in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A.
- Our work on COVID-19 and superspreading featured in The Irish Independent. A link to our paper can be found here.
Research interests
My research interests include:
- Intractable likelihoods -- theory and methodology for statistical models with intractable likelihood functions.
- Statistical network analysis -- Bayesian inference for statistical network models; applications in social network analysis.
- Bayesian statistics -- model selection; Bayes factors; evidence/marginal likelihood estimation.
- Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and applications.
Recent talks and seminars
- October, 2024: Bayesian Methods for the Social Sciences II, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- October, 2024: RSS Journal webinar Discussion of the JRSSA read paper by Raftery, Handcock and Tantrum (2007).
- September, 2024: Royal Statistical Society Annual Conference, Brighton, UK
- July, 2024: ISBA, Venice, Italy
Professional activities
- 2019 -- 2022: Joint Editor of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C.
- 2020-2022: ISBA Board of Directors.
- 2006 -- 2020: Associate editor for Statistics and Computing.
- 2014 -- 2018: Elected member of the European regional committee
of the Bernoulli Society.