- Bergm
(Bayesian inference for exponential random graph models).
Visit Alberto Caimo's webpage for some
more info and resources related to Bergm.
- GreedyEPL An R package written by Riccardo Rastelli which implements the greedy algorithm
developed in Rastelli, R. and Friel, N. (2018) "Optimal Bayesian estimators for latent variable cluster models" Statistics and Computing.
- GiRaF
(Gibbs random field analysis). This R package allows for calculation on Gibbs random fields, particulary homogeneous Potts models. This package is in development as more functionality is being developed.
- R code (written by Jason Wyse) which accompanies the
review paper on evidence/marginal likelihood estimation:
Friel and Wyse (2012) Estimating the statistical evidence -- a review. Statistica Neerlandica.
vol 66, 288-308.
- dnn (Distance Nearest Neighbours). This code accompanies the paper:
N. Friel and A.N. Pettitt. (2011) Classification via distance nearest neighbours. Statistics and Computing.
vol 21, 431-437. arXiv