Careers in Meteorology
The thorough grounding in meteorology and climate science offered by
the M.Sc. course will enable graduates to pursue careers in national
meteorological and environmental agencies and in various branches of
the private sector (e.g. broadcast and aviation meteorology, the
insurance industry). It is also an excellent starting point for those
aiming at a Ph.D. and a research career within a university or
specialised research institution. Below are links to relevant Irish
and international resources.
Nature: Careers in atmospheric and climate science
Nature magazine feature on career prospects in the atmospheric and
climate sciences.
Career interview: Meteorologist
Plus Magazine interviews meteorologist Helen Hewson.
Irish Environmental Agencies
Met Éireann. Irish National Meteorological Service.
EPA. Environmental Protection Agency.
OPW. Office of Public Works.
The Marine Institute.
Up-to-date information on all aspects of the environment.
Public Appointments Service: Ireland's Public Sector
Recruitment Site.
Dept. of the Environment.
Miscellaneous Sources of Job Information
Jobs in Research, Science, Academic and related Professions
- Irish Jobs Search Engine.
Career and employment opportunities in
Climate, Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology.
Jobseekers at Reading University, among the best for
academic and research positions
Other meteorology job sites recommended by Roger Brugge.
Some European National Meteorological Services
Meteorological Services employ meteorologists as researchers and
International Agencies and Organizations
Royal Meteorological Society:
Meteorological careers and qualifications in the UK.
American Meterological Society Career Center.
American Meteorological Society: Careers in
Atmospheric Research and Applied Meteorology.
The European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts.
EUMETSAT European Met Satellite Agency
(click: Staff Employment Opportunities).
The World Meteorological Organization.
US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
National Severe Storms Laboratory, USA: Careers FAQs
National Weather Association:
Atmospheric Science Careers and University Listings
Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command: Careers.
Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science
Broadcast Meteorology: Pursuing a TV career in meteorology
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society:
Choosing a career in Atmospheric Sciences
A site for weather analysis and forecasting eucation
Some Commercial Weather Organizations
NOAA List of
commercial weather vendor web sites serving the U.S.
Applied Insurance Research, based in Boston and London
Weather Services International
"Weather Driven Business Solutions"
Leading producers of Meteorological Instrumentation
"The UK's leading source of weather data and information"
"Europe's Leading Independent Weather Business"
Risk Management Solutions, based in London and California