Conference Proceedings

A special issue of the journal Analysis and Mathematical Physics will be devoted to the proceedings of the conference ICCAPTA 2018 (11thβ€”15th June 2018) at University College Dublin,​ in honour of the 60th birthday of Professor Stephen J. Gardiner. ​ ​

The journal is published by Springer, and currently has an impact factor of 0.632, see

As conference organizers we will act as Guest Editors of the volume.

Submissions need not match talks given at the conference, but should fall within the broad themes of the conference (Complex Analysis, Potential Theory) or other aspects of the journal's remit (such as Operator Theory, Spectral Theory, Partial Differential Equations, Analytic Continuation, Quadrature Domains, and Mathematical Physics).

The submission deadline is 1st November, 2018. All submitted contributions will be peer-reviewed. We are giving a guideline length of 10 pages for submitted articles due to the overall limit of 160 pages for the volume.

It would be very helpful for us to have a preliminary indication from participants concerning their likelihood of submitting an article to this volume.

Please reply before the end of 1st July with a brief e-mail to

indicating whether you would be interested in contributing to the proceedings.

With kind regards

Dr Marius Ghergu and Dr Hermann Render
Organizers of the conference
