
This lesson is designed for 5th Class, according to the Irish Education System.

Battleships is a well known guessing game for two players, played on a ruled grid.

Students are introduced to game theory, and build on their knowledge of chance and probability, while playing a game that many will be familiar with. This is a chance for students to see how maths can be applied to everyday things, even the games they play.


This powerpoint contains a brief introduction to the game of Battleships and how we can use probability to build a strategy.

There is an option to view the presentation full screen by clicking in the bottom right corner.

Lesson Plan

A description of this lesson for teachers. Includes examples, timings, links to the curriculum, and much more.

View Lesson Plan

Student Booklet

A premade question booklet for students. Available both in a booklet template (only folding neccesary), as well as a full page option.

View Booklet Template

View Full Pages

Large Game Template

A larger version of the 3x3 grid and battleship, as seen in the booklet. Available to print and cut out, or to project onto the board.

View Large Game Template

Computational Tools

Final Quiz

This quiz is designed for students to practice their game strategy playing battleships. Ideally used afer completely the booklet.

Press the green flag to begin.

If at any point you need to reset the quiz, press the green flag.