
Dr Richard J. Smith

School of Mathematics and Statistics
University College Dublin, Belfield
Dublin 4, Ireland
Phone +353 1 7162570









Whenever available there are links to published articles or arXiv versions of some papers.

R. J. Smith, A Choquet theory of Lipschitz-free spaces, preprint (arXiv).

R. J. Smith, Gruenhage spaces and their influence on Banach space renorming theory, preprint (arXiv).

R. J. Aliaga, E. Pernecká and R. J. Smith, A solution to the extreme point problem and other applications of Choquet theory to Lipschitz-free spaces, preprint (arXiv).

R. J. Aliaga, E. Pernecká and R. J. Smith, De Leeuw representations of functionals on Lipschitz spaces, preprint (arXiv).

L. Ó Náraigh, K. E. Pang and R. J. Smith, Convergence Analysis of the Geometric Thin-Film equation, preprint (arXiv).

L. Ó Náraigh, K. E. Pang and R. J. Smith, A new convergence analysis of the particle method for the Camassa-Holm equation, preprint (arXiv).

R. J. Smith and F. Talimdjioski, Lipschitz-free spaces over properly metrisable spaces and approximation properties, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (152), 4821-4834, 2024 (arXiv).

R. J. Aliaga, E. Pernecká and R. J. Smith, Convex integrals of molecules in Lipschitz-free spaces, J. Funct. Anal (287), 110560, 2024 (arXiv).

R. J. Smith and F. Talimdjioski, Lipschitz-free spaces over manifolds and the metric approximation property, J. Math. Anal. Appl. (524), 127073, 2023 (arXiv).

R. J. Smith, A topological characterization of dual strict convexity in Asplund spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. (485), 123806, 2020 (arXiv).

R. J. Smith, Topology, isomorphic smoothness and polyhedrality in Banach spaces, Topology Appl. (266), 106848, 2019 (arXiv).

T. A. Abrahamsen, V. P. Fonf, R. J. Smith and S. Troyanski, Polyhedrality and decomposition, Quart. J. Math. (70) 409-427, 2019 (arXiv).

R. J. Smith and S. Troyanski, Approximation of norms in Banach spaces, J. Funct. Anal. (276) 3226-3260, 2019 (arXiv).

P. Bankston, A. McCluskey and R. J. Smith, Semicontinuity of betweenness functions, Topology Appl. (246) 22-47, 2018.

V. Bible and R. J. Smith, Smooth and polyhedral approximation in Banach spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. (435) 1262-1272, 2016 (arXiv).

T. Kania and R. J. Smith, Chains of functions in $C(K)$-spaces, J. Aust. Math. Soc. (99) 350-363, 2015 (arXiv).

V. P. Fonf, R. J. Smith and S. Troyanski, Boundaries and polyhedral Banach spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (143) 4845-4849, 2015 (arXiv).

E. Pernecká and R. J. Smith, The metric approximation property and Lipschitz-free spaces over subsets of $\mathbb{R}^N$, J. Approx. Theory (199) 29-44, 2015 (arXiv).

V. P. Fonf, A. J. Pallares, R. J. Smith and S. Troyanski, Polyhedrality in pieces, J. Funct. Anal. (266) 247-264, 2014 (arXiv).

P. Hájek and R. J. Smith, Some duality relations in the theory of tensor products, Expos. Math. (30) 239-249, 2012.

V. P. Fonf, R. J. Smith and S. Troyanski, A note on fragmentability and weak-$G_\delta$ sets, Quart. J. Math. (63) 375-380, 2012 (arXiv).

R. J. Smith, Strictly convex norms, $G_\delta$-diagonals and non-Gruenhage spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (140) 3117-3125, 2012 (arXiv).

J. Orihuela, R. J. Smith and S. Troyanski, Strictly convex norms and topology, Proc. London Math. Soc (104) 197-222, 2012 (arXiv).

R. J. Smith and S. Troyanski, Renormings of $C(K)$ spaces, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. (104), 375-412, 2010.

P. Hájek and R. J. Smith, Operator machines on directed graphs, Integral Equations Operator Theory (67) 15-31, 2010 (arXiv).

R. J. Smith and S. Troyanski, Unconditional bases and strictly convex dual renormings, Bull. London Math. Soc. (41) 831-840, 2009 (arXiv).

R. J. Smith, Gruenhage compacta and strictly convex dual norms, J. Math. Anal. Appl. (350) 745-757, 2009 (arXiv).

V. P. Fonf, A. J. Pallares, R. J. Smith and S. Troyanski, Polyhedral norms on non-separable Banach spaces, J. Funct. Anal. (255) 449-470, 2008.

R. J. Smith, Trees, linear orders and Gâteaux smooth norms, J. London Math. Soc. (76) 633-646, 2007 (arXiv).

R. J. Smith, Trees, Gâteaux smooth norms and a problem of Haydon, Bull. London Math. Soc. (39) 112-120, 2007.

R. J. Smith, On trees and dual rotund norms, J. Funct. Anal. (231) 177-194, 2006.

R. J. Smith, The Tale of a PhD Mathematician, Mathematics Today (41) 76-77, June 2005.

R. J. Smith, Bounded linear Talagrand operators on ordinal spaces, Quart. J. Math. (56) 383-395, 2005.