Take a look at some research papers in journals, proceedings, and other technical reports and theses that have merited publication.
- Storm-Driven Coastal Boulder Transport Over Two Winter Storm Seasons on Inishmaan, Ireland
HR Spero, MA Berke, J Berryhill, MC Bourke, ND Cullen, F Dias, I Garcia, JG Herterich, MJ Starek, M Silva, JJ Westerink, AB Kennedy
- Modelling boulder transport under mixed-lubrication friction
J DuBerry-Mahon & JG Herterich
European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 111, p. 120-126, 2025
- Understanding the effects of high-turbulence flow on 5:1 bluff bodies through computational simulation [Conference Proceedings]
P Vizcaíno García, MD Bustamante, JG Herterich & J Keenahan
9th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, 2024
- Comparing operating strategies for unsteady crossflow membrane filtration with pore blocking
JG Herterich
Chemical Engineering Science, 285, 119595, 2024
- Modelling road cycling as motion on a curve
PJ Nee & JG Herterich
Sports Engineering, 25, 12, 2022
- Book Review. Tornadoes and Waterspouts in Ireland: Ancient and Modern [Book Review]
JG Herterich
Weather, 206-206, 2022
- A mathematical model of the erosion process in a channel bend
JG Herterich & IM Griffiths
Tribology International, 163, 107175, 2021
- Potential flow over a submerged rectangular obstacle: Consequences for initiation of boulder motion
JG Herterich & F Dias
European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 31.4, p. 646-681, 2020
- Systematic review shows that boulders deposited by storm waves can be misinterpreted as tsunami-related, because commonly used hydrodynamic equations are flawed
R Cox, F Ardhuin, F Dias, R Autret, N Beisiegel, CS Earlie, JG Herterich, AB Kennedy, R Paris, A Raby, P Schmitt & R Weiss
Frontiers in Marine Science, 7.4, p. 1-18, 2020
- Large nearshore storm waves off the Irish coast
F Fedele, JG Herterich, A Tayfun & F Dias
Scientific Reports, 9, 15406, 2019
- Extreme long waves over a varying bathymetry
JG Herterich & F Dias
J. Fluid Mechanics, 878, p. 481-501, 2019
- Reproducing the pressure‒time signature of membrane filtration: The interplay between fouling, caking, and elasticity
JG Herterich, IM Griffiths & D Vella
J. Membrane Science, 577, p. 235-348, 2019
- Un cas-test discriminant pour la simulation de la propagation et du run-up de trains de vagues de type tsunami [Conference Proceedings]
M Benoit, F Dias, JG Herterich, Y-M Scolan
16ème Journées de l’Hydrodynamique, 2018
- Dynamic cliff-top beam response to wave impact [Conference Proceedings]
JG Herterich, R Cox & F Dias
The 13th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD), 2018
- Liquid Wicking in Hierarchical Microstructures [Technical Report]
GCR Devarapu, L Ó’Náraigh, JG Herterich
141st European Study Group with Industry, Dublin, 2018
- Incorporating wave spectrum information in real-time free-surface elevation forecasting: real-sea experiments [Conference Proceedings]
APL Merigaud, JG Herterich, J Flanagan, J Ringwood, F Dias
The 11th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles, IFAC-PapersOnLine 51.29, p. 232–237, 2018
- How does wave impact generate large boulders? Modelling hydraulic fracture of cliffs and shore platforms
JG Herterich, R Cox & F Dias
Marine Geology, 399, p. 34-46, 2018
- Wave height to depth measures during extreme runup [Conference Proceedings]
JG Herterich & F Dias
The 27th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), vol. 3, p. 1390-1394, 2017
- Wave breaking and runup of long waves approaching a cliff over a variable bathymetry
JG Herterich & F Dias
Procedia IUTAM, 25, p. 18-27, 2017
- Optimizing the operation of a direct-flow filtration device
JG Herterich, Q Xu, RW Field, D Vella & IM Griffiths
J. Engineering Mathematics, 104(1), p. 195-211, 2017
- Bananas - defects in the jet stripping process [Technical Report]
S Walsh, D O’Kiely, G Lavalle, R Mangan, S Mitchell, K Devine, JG Herterich, S Thomson, R Novakovic, G Hocking
118th European Study Group with Industry, Dublin, 2016
- Segmentation and Scene Content in Moving Images [Technical Report]
D Badziahin, F Brosa Planella, M Ferreira, S Gazzola, JG Herterich, A Krupp, S Lim, R Pronko, J Skinner
107th European Study Group with Industry, Manchester, 2015
- Tailoring wall permeabilities for enhanced filtration
JG Herterich, D Vella, RW Field, NP Hankins & IM Griffiths
Physics of Fluids, 27(5), 053102, 2015
- The effect of a concentration-dependent viscosity on particle transport in a channel flow with porous walls
JG Herterich, IM Griffiths, RW Field & D Vella
AIChE Journal, 60(5), p. 1891-1904, 2014
- Liquid interactions with porous media and the fate of toxic materials [Technical Report]
P Hicks, A Crosby, D Hewitt, M Hennessy, JG Herterich & I Moyles
85th European Study Group with Industry, Norwich, 2012
- Mathematical Models in Water Filtration
DPhil Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015 - Modelling the Erosion‒Corrosion Process in Pipe Flow
MSc Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011