UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Seminars


The Gravity seminars are to be held most Fridays in the seminar room in CASL with the idea that they are an informal compliment to the usual departmental Mathematical Physics seminars. We intend this series to be an opportunity for like minded researchers in gravity physics to come together and discuss recent results of their own or papers of interest.

Recent Seminars

Effects of caustics on wave propagation in curved spacetimes

Abraham Harte (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Albert Einstein Institute)
Thu 12th April 2012 - 4:00PM

Aspects of the theory of particle detectors

Calvin Smith [UCD]
Fri 9th May 2008 - 3:00PM

Some aspects of the description of sources of gravitational waves

Carlos F. Sopuerta (ICE-CSIC,Barcelona)
Fri 11th April 2008 - 3:00PM

D-branes, Quivers and ALE instantons

Journal club
Fri 28th March 2008 - 3:30PM

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