UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Seminars

Abraham Harte (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Albert Einstein Institute)

will speak on

Effects of caustics on wave propagation in curved spacetimes

Time: 4:00PM
Date: Thu 12th April 2012
Location: CASL Seminar Room - Belfield Office Park [map]

Further information

Abstract: Linear waves generated by small disturbances are well-understood near those disturbances. The standard picture breaks down, however, once characteristic rays starting at the disturbance form caustics. I discuss wave equations associated with linear fields propagating in generic curved spacetimes (which includes many ordinary acoustic and electromagnetic equations in flat spacetime). I show that there is a sense in which the leading-order singularity structure of Green functions associated with such equations transforms according to a simple rule after each encounter with a caustic of the light cone. This is established by showing that a portion of the Green function in a generic spacetime can be understood via a Green function in an appropriate geometry associated with gravitational plane waves. Plane wave Green functions are, in turn, computed exactly. Some implications are also discussed for the dependence of, e.g., a charge's self-field on its past history.
[Please note the seminar will be at the Meeting Room (not Seminar Room) in CASL-UCD]

(This talk is part of the Gravity series.)

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