
The analysis seminar (either one or two talks) is held on Tuesday afternoons during term. Historically, the location alternates between UCD and Trinity College. The series is currently organised by C. Boyd and M. Manolaki.

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Recent Seminars

Approximation on compact sets of functions and all derivatives

Vassili Nestoridis (University of Athens)
Tue 7th May 2024 - 3:00PM

Some recent progress on Lipschitz-free spaces

Gilles Godefroy (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu)
Tue 30th April 2024 - 3:00PM

Examples of Universal Dirichlet series

Athanasios Kouroupis (e Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Mon 22nd April 2024 - 3:00PM

Random Carleson Measures in the Polydisc

Alberto Dayan (Saarland University)
Tue 16th April 2024 - 12:00AM

An uncertainty principle for the Vaserstein distance

Tom Carroll (UCC)
Tue 16th April 2024 - 3:00PM

The Regular Radius of Convergence

C. Boyd
Tue 9th April 2024 - 3:00PM

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