UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Seminars

Seminars 1980

Bases and spaces of holomorphic functions I

R. Ryan
Mon 21st January 1980 - 2:30PM

Tightness and path space measures I

W. Sullivan
Mon 21st January 1980 - 4:00PM

Tightness and patrh space measures II

W. Sullivan
Mon 28th January 1980 - 2:30PM

Further remarks on fully nuclear spaces

S. Dineen
Mon 28th January 1980 - 4:30PM

Representation theory of locally compact groups III

B. Barnes
Fri 1st February 1980 - 2:00PM

Bases and spaces of holomorphic functions II

R. Ryan
Mon 4th February 1980 - 2:30PM

Maximal invariant spaces of analytic functions I

R. Timoney
Mon 4th February 1980 - 4:00PM

Representation theory of locally compact groups IV

B. Barnes
Fri 8th February 1980 - 2:00PM

Maximal invariant spaces of analytic functions II

R. Timoney
Mon 11th February 1980 - 4:00PM

Representation theory of locally compact groups V

B. Barnes
Fri 15th February 1980 - 2:00PM

$k$-Souslinian psaces

M. Valdivia (Valencia)
Mon 18th February 1980 - 2:30PM

Dense subalgebras of differentiable functions

G. Zapata (Rio de Janeiro)
Mon 18th February 1980 - 4:00PM

Quotients of echelon spaces

M. Valdivia (Valencia)
Fri 22nd February 1980 - 4:30PM

Interpolation theorems for holomorphic functions on locally convex spaces

M. Valdivia (Valencia)
Mon 25th February 1980 - 3:00PM

Interpolation theorems for holomorphic functions on locally convex spaces II

M. Valdivia (Valencia)
Mon 25th February 1980 - 4:00PM

Operators which generate weakly compact groups I

T. West
Fri 29th February 1980 - 2:00PM

Operators which generate weakly compact groups II

T. West
Fri 7th March 1980 - 2:00PM


M. Schottenloher (Munich)
Thu 20th March 1980 - 2:00PM

Holomorphic functions on power series spaces I

S. Dineen
Mon 14th April 1980 - 3:00PM

Toplogical excitation in Matter and Gauge Theories

V. Poenaru (Orsay)
Fri 18th April 1980 - 3:00PM

Injective Banach spaces

R. Haydon (Oxford)
Fri 18th April 1980 - 4:30PM

Extension theorems for holomorphic functions

P. Boland
Mon 21st April 1980 - 2:30PM

Holomorphic functions on power series spaces II

S. Dineen
Mon 21st April 1980 - 4:00PM

Holomorphic functions on power series spaces III

S. Dineen
Mon 28th April 1980 - 3:00PM


L. de Moraes (Munich and Rio de Janeiro)
Mon 28th April 1980 - 4:30PM

On starlike functions mapping onto domains of finite area

B. Twomey (UCC)
Fri 2nd May 1980 - 3:00PM


R. Soraggi
Mon 5th May 1980 - 4:00PM

Representations of crosses product C*-algebras III.

D. O'Donovan
Fri 9th May 1980 - 2:00PM


C. Herves
Mon 12th May 1980 - 4:30PM

Representations of crosses product C*-algebras IV.

D. O'Donovan
Fri 16th May 1980 - 2:00PM

Regularity properties of germs

R. Soraggi
Mon 19th May 1980 - 4:00PM

The $\bar\partial$ problem for several complex variables I

J. Mujica
Wed 29th October 1980 - 2:30PM

Analytic profunctionals and spectral theory, I

P. Barry
Wed 29th October 1980 - 4:30PM

Analytic profunctionals and spectral theory, II

P. Barry
Mon 3rd November 1980 - 4:00PM

The $\bar\partial$ problem for several complex variables III

J. Mujica
Mon 10th November 1980 - 3:00PM

Analytic profunctionals and spectral theory, III

P. Barry
Mon 10th November 1980 - 4:30PM

Coherent sheaves

P. Barry
Thu 13th November 1980 - 11:00AM

The $\bar\partial$ problem for several complex variables IV

J. Mujica
Mon 17th November 1980 - 2:30PM

Analytic profunctionals and spectral theory, IV

P. Barry
Mon 17th November 1980 - 4:00PM

Introduction to uniform algebras

R. Aron
Mon 24th November 1980 - 3:00PM

Fourier coefficients of bounded functions

R. Timoney
Mon 24th November 1980 - 4:30PM

Coherent sheaves and Catlin's lemma

P. Barry
Thu 27th November 1980 - 11:00AM

Introduction to uniform algebras II

R. Aron
Mon 1st December 1980 - 2:30PM

Fourier coefficients of bounded functions II

R. Timoney
Mon 1st December 1980 - 4:00PM

Sheaf theory

P. Barry
Thu 4th December 1980 - 11:00AM

Introduction to uniform algebras III

R. Aron
Mon 8th December 1980 - 2:30PM

Fourier coefficients of bounded functions III

R. Timoney
Mon 8th December 1980 - 4:00PM

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