R. Timoney

will speak on

TROs and Morita equivalence

Time: 4:00PM
Date: Tue 24th October 2017
Location: SCN 125 [map]

Abstract: It is possible to recast the theory of Morita equivalence in terms
of the elementary theory of Ternary Rings of Operators (TROs). In
particular the Morita correspondence between primitive ideals follows
by extending irreducible representations from the right C*-algebra
to the linking C*-algebra. The celebrated Brown-Green-Reiffel
theorem characterising Morita equivalence as stable isomorphism in
the separable case follows by using a Lemma of Brown to show that
separable stable TROs are TRO isomorphic to C*-algebras.

(This talk is part of the Analysis series.)

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