N. Dobbs

will speak on

Nearby Birkhoff averages

Time: 4:00PM
Date: Tue 17th October 2017
Location: UCD Science North 125 [map]

Abstract: Birkhoff averages (of an observable along orbits) are objects of
interest when investigating statistical behaviour of a dynamical
system. If there is a unique physical measure, the Birkhoff averages
will converge, for almost every orbit, to the space average (i.e.
the integral) of the observable, so the physical measure captures
important statistical properties of the dynamical system. However,
in the quadratic family, for example, physical measures don't always
exist, and even when they do, they don't necessarily depend
continuously on the parameter. In joint work with Alexey Korepanov,
we examine what happens for finite time Birkhoff averages for nearby

(This talk is part of the Analysis series.)

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