Propers Seminaris

Universal Limits and their Transitions in Random Matrix Theory

Thorsten Neuschel (DCU)
Wed 2nd October 2024 - 2:00PM

Infinite-dimensional diffusions from random matrix dynamics

Theo Assiotis (University of Edinburgh)
Thu 24th October 2024 - 4:00PM

Random partitions, Hurwitz numbers and counting high genus surfaces

Harriet Walsh (UCD)
Wed 18th September 2024 - 2:00PM

Spirals in Spaces of Holomorphic Functions

Andrew D. Smith
Tue 17th September 2024 - 3:00PM

Random matrices, Young diagrams, and trees

Elia Bisi (University of Florence)
Wed 11th September 2024 - 2:00PM

Pressure and the Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets

Neil Dobbs
Tue 10th September 2024 - 3:00PM

Approximation on compact sets of functions and all derivatives

Vassili Nestoridis (University of Athens)
Tue 7th May 2024 - 3:00PM

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