Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar

Seminar Details

Sarp Akcay
University College Dublin
Correction to geodetic spin-precession for bound binary black hole orbits
3PM Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Room H2.32, O'Brien Centre for Science


I will begin by presenting de Sitter's historic computation of the geodetic spin precession. Then, I will consider the toy problem of a gyroscope orbiting a non-spinning black hole where the gyroscope's mass will act as a perturbation on the background Schwarzschild spacetime. I will introduce the gravitational self-force due to this mass and look at its conservative effect on the spin of the gyroscope. I will show how to translate this effect into a coordinate invariant, in-principle-observable quantity corresponding to a precession angle for the gyro spin axis. I will show numerical results for the self-force correction to the gyro precession for both circular and eccentric orbits. I will complement the numerical work with analytically derived second-order post-Newtonian expressions.


  1. S. Akcay, D. Dempsey, S. R. Dolan, (2016), arXiv:1608.04811.
  2. Sam R. Dolan, Niels Warburton, Abraham I. Harte, Alexandre Le Tiec, Barry Wardell, and Leor Barack, Phys. Rev. D 89, 064011 (2014), arXiv:1312.0775

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