Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 117, No. 7, pp. 1492–1500.

Partitioning the Wind in a Limited Domain

Peter Lynch

Meteorological Service, Glasnevin Hill, Dublin, Ireland

(Manuscript received 14 October 1988, accepted 26 January 1989)


Tne partitioning of a global windfield into rotational and divergent components is unique. These components are orthogonal and imply a corresponding partitioning of the kinetic energy. For a limited domain the partitioning is neither unique nor (necessarily) orthogonal and depends on the boundary conditions. Several simple boundary conditions are examined and the resulting wind components derived. A natural partitioning into three mutually orthogonal components, the rotational, divergent and harmonic components is proposed. For a global domain the harmonic component vanishes reducing the partitioning to the usual form.

© Copyright by American Meteorological Society 1989