
Presentation Slides [2024]

Presentations for the lectures given by Prof Peter Lynch in the course AweSums are in two forms. The Presentation slides are best for viewing on-screen. The Print Versions are more compact.
They can be printed with multiple slides to a page, typically with six slides per sheet.

Lecture Content Presentation Print Version
0 Taster Lecture PDF PDF
1 Overview. Recreational Maths. A Piem. Golden Ratio. PDF PDF
2 Beginnings. Babylonian Numbers. Polar Coordinates. Georg Cantor. PDF PDF
3 Nippur Tablet. Champernowne's Number. Greek Alphabet. Set Theory 1. PDF PDF
4 Cutting the Plane. Set Theory 2. Topology 1. Icosian Game. Pythagoras. PDF PDF
5 Quadrivium. Pythogoras Theorem. Topology 2. Irrationals. Astronomy 1. PDF PDF
5A Extra: Introduction to Numerical Weather Prediction. PDF N/A
6 Euler's Gem. Pascal's Triangle. Astronomy 2. Surreal Numbers. PDF PDF
7 Patterns in Nature. Carl Friedrich Gauss. Topology 3. PDF PDF
7A Extra: Music and Maths: Symmetry and Symbiosis. PDF N/A
8 BLT. Fermi Resonance. Möbius Band. Beauty of Fractals. PDF PDF

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