Matthias Storzer
About me
I am a PostDoc at University College Dublin since October 2024 working with Robert Osburn.
From 2020 to 2024, I was a PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn where I was supervised by Don Zagier.
Before that, I did my MSc at TU Darmstadt under the supervision of Nils Scheithauer.
I am interested in number theory, in particular modular objects, and their interactions with other areas of mathematics, such as combinatorics, representation theory, and low-dimensional topology.

matthias.storzer *at*
School of Mathematics and Statistics,
University College Dublin,
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Preprints and publications
- With A. Folsom, J. Males, and L. Rolen, Oscillating asymptotics and conjectures of Andrews, preprint 2023.
- With S. Garoufalidis, and C. Wheeler, Perturbative invariants of cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds, preprint 2023.
- With K. Bringmann, S.H. Man, and L. Rolen, Asymptotics of parity biases for partitions into distinct parts via Nahm sums, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3), 129:6 (2024), e70010.
Recent and upcoming events:
Nordfjordeid Summer School, Nordfjordeid, Norway,
June 9-13, 2025.
Seminar on Conformal Field Theory, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland,
July 18, 2025.
ÖMG-DMV Annual Meeting, JKU Linz, Austria,
September 1-5, 2025.
Past events
Arithmetic Study Group, Durham University,
December 3, 2024.
International Seminar on Automorphic Forms,
November 26, 2024.
PhD defence,
MPIM Bonn, Germany,
August 2024.
Vertex algebras, geometric representation theory and quantum groups,
CIRM, France,
June 2024.
Seminar on quantum modularity and resurgence,
IHES, France,
April 2024.
International conference on modular forms and q-series,
University of Cologne,
March 2024.
IMPRS seminar: thesis work,
MPIM Bonn, Germany,
December 2023.
UCD Algebra and Number Theory Seminar,
Dublin, Ireland,
October 2023.
Conference for Young Number Theorists in Bonn,
MPIM Bonn, Germany,
September 2023.
Numbers in the Universe: Recent Advances in Number Theory and its Applications,
Banach Center, Warsaw, Poland,
August 2023.
Research visit Amherst College,
Amherst, MA, USA,
December 2022.
Research visit SUNY Albany,
Albany, NY, USA,
December 2022.
Ramanujan-Serre Seminar,
University of Virginia, USA,
December 2022.
Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar,
Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA,
November 2022.
Research visit Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, USA,
September - November 2022.
Modular forms in number theory and beyond,
Bielefeld University, Germany,
August 2022.
QM Masterclass: Vertex Operator Algebras,
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark,
August 2022.
Vertex Algebras and Representation Theory,
CIRM, Luminy, France,
June 2022.
ENTR Seminar,
May 2022.
Young Scholars in the Analytic Theory of Numbers and Automorphic Forms,
University of Bonn, Germany,
March 2022.
Oberseminar Zahlentheorie,
University Cologne, Germany,
February 2022.
Vertex Algebras and Related Topics,
TU Darmstadt, Germany,
September 2021.
Past events
- Arithmetic Study Group, Durham University, December 3, 2024.
- International Seminar on Automorphic Forms, November 26, 2024.
- PhD defence, MPIM Bonn, Germany, August 2024.
- Vertex algebras, geometric representation theory and quantum groups, CIRM, France, June 2024.
- Seminar on quantum modularity and resurgence, IHES, France, April 2024.
- International conference on modular forms and q-series, University of Cologne, March 2024.
- IMPRS seminar: thesis work, MPIM Bonn, Germany, December 2023.
- UCD Algebra and Number Theory Seminar, Dublin, Ireland, October 2023.
- Conference for Young Number Theorists in Bonn, MPIM Bonn, Germany, September 2023.
- Numbers in the Universe: Recent Advances in Number Theory and its Applications, Banach Center, Warsaw, Poland, August 2023.
- Research visit Amherst College, Amherst, MA, USA, December 2022.
- Research visit SUNY Albany, Albany, NY, USA, December 2022.
- Ramanujan-Serre Seminar, University of Virginia, USA, December 2022.
- Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 2022.
- Research visit Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA, September - November 2022.
- Modular forms in number theory and beyond, Bielefeld University, Germany, August 2022.
- QM Masterclass: Vertex Operator Algebras, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, August 2022.
- Vertex Algebras and Representation Theory, CIRM, Luminy, France, June 2022.
- ENTR Seminar, online, May 2022.
- Young Scholars in the Analytic Theory of Numbers and Automorphic Forms, University of Bonn, Germany, March 2022.
- Oberseminar Zahlentheorie, University Cologne, Germany, February 2022.
- Vertex Algebras and Related Topics, TU Darmstadt, Germany, September 2021.