Curriculum Vitae of Kazim Buyukboduk
Last Update: March 2024 



  • Ph. D.
  • Stanford University 2007
  • B. Sc.
  • Bilkent  University


  • Assoc. Prof.
  • UCD
  • Research Professor
  • MSRI (Berkeley)
    Spring 2023
  • Assoc. Prof.
  • Koc University
    2013 - 2018*
  • Asst. Prof.
  • Koc University 2009 - 2013
  • Visiting Member
  • Max Planck Institute - Bonn 2008 - 2009
  • Hodge Fellow
  • IHES 2007 - 2008

    *on leave during 2017 - 2018.


    Boston University 
    CRM - Barcelona
    Harvard University
    Humboldt University
    University of Duisburg-Essen

    Research Interests

    • Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
    • Iwasawa Theory of (Automorphic) Motives
    • (High rank) Euler-Kolyvagin systems


    Awards and Honors

    • Research Professorship (in the programme "Algebraic Cycles, L-Values, and Euler Systems"), MSRI Berkeley
    • Simons Visiting Professorship, CRM Montreal (postponed)
    • Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers
    • Science Academy Young Scientist Award, 2017
    • Young Investigator Award (Turkish Academy of Sciences), 2012
    • Sedat Simavi Science Award, 2012
    • Masatoshi Gunduz Ikeda Research Award, 2011
    • William Hodge Fellowship (IHES), 2007
    • Orhan Alisbah Prize (Bilkent University), 2001
    • Silver Medal, 39th International Mathematical Olympiad (Taipei), 1998
    • Gold Medal and First Prize, National Mathematical Olympiad (Ankara), 1997

    1. (w/ Denis Benois) Arithmetic of critical p-adic L-functions. Video-1 Video-2 Oberwolfach report
      Memoirs of the AMS (to appear).
    2. (w/ A. Lei) Iwasawa theory of twists of elliptic modular forms over imaginary quadratic fields at inert primes.
      Memoires de la Societe Mathematique de France (to appear).
    3. (w/ A. Burungale and A. Lei) Anticyclotomic Iwasawa theory of abelian varieties of GL2-type at non-ordinary primes.
      Adv. Math. 439 (2024), Paper No. 109465, 63 pp.
    4. (w/ T. Ochiai) Main conjectures for higher rank nearly ordinary families -- I.
      J. Number Theory 252 (2023), 1--73.
    5. (w/ R. Sakamoto) ℒ-Invariants, p-Adic Heights, and Factorization of p-Adic L-Functions.
      IMRN (2023) Vol. 2023, Issue 4, 2867--2943 DOI: 10.1093/imrn/rnab322
    6. (w/ D. Benois) On the exceptional zeros of p-non-ordinary p-adic L-functions and a conjecture of Perrin-Riou.
      Transactions of the AMS 376 (2023), Number 1, pp. 231--284.
    7. (w/ R. Sakamoto) On the non-critical exceptional zeros of Katz p-adic L-functions for CM fields.
      Adv. Math. 406 (2022), Paper No. 108478, 54 pp.
    8. (w/ A. Lei) Iwasawa theory for GL2 x ResK/QGL1
      Ann. Math. Que. 46 (2022), no. 2, 347--418 (Special birthday issue for Bernadette Perrin-Riou).
    9. (w/ Denis Benois) Interpolation of Beilinson-Kato elements and p-adic L-functions.
      Ann. Math. Que. 46 (2022), no. 2, 231--287 (Special birthday issue for Bernadette Perrin-Riou).
    10. (w/ A. Lei) Interpolation of Generalized Heegner Cycles in Coleman Families.
      J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 104 (2021), no. 4, 1682--1716. DOI: 10.1112/jlms.12471
    11. (w/ A. Lei) Iwasawa theory of elliptic modular forms over imaginary quadratic fields at non-ordinary primes. Video
      IMRN (2021) Vol. 2021, Issue 14, 10654--10730 DOI: 10.1093/imrn/rnz117
    12. (w/ A. Lei and G. Venkat) Iwasawa theory for symmetric square of p-non-ordinary eigenforms.
      Doc. Math. 26 (2021), 1--63.
    13. (w/ A. Lei) Functional Equation for p-adic Rankin-Selberg L-functions.
      Ann. Math. Que. 44 (2020), no. 1, 9--25.
    14. Beilinson-Kato and Beilinson-Flach elements, Coleman-Rubin-Stark classes, Heegner points and the Perrin-Riou Conjecture. Development of Iwasawa Theory -- the Centennial of K. Iwasawa's Birth. Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 2020: 141--193 (2020).
    15. (w/ A. Lei) Rank--2 Euler systems for symmetric squares.
      Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372 (2019), no. 12, 8605--8619.
    16. (w/ A. Lei, D. Loeffler and G. Venkat) Iwasawa theory for Rankin--Selberg products of p-non-ordinary eigenforms.
      Algebra & Number Theory 13(4), 2019, 901--941.
    17. (w/ A. Lei) Anticyclotomic p-ordinary Iwasawa Theory of Elliptic Modular Forms.
      Forum Mathematicum 30 (2018), no. 4, 887--913.
    18. On the Iwasawa theory of CM fields for supersingular primes.  
      Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 370 (2018), no. 2, 927--966.
    19. p-adic variation in arithmetic geometry: a survey.
      Algebraic geometry and number theory, 1--27, Progr. Math., 321, Birkhauser/Springer, Cham, 2017.

    20. (w/ A. Lei) Integral Iwasawa Theory of Galois Representations for non-ordinary primes.
      Math. Z. 286 (2017), no. 1-2, 361--398.
    21. Deformations of Kolyvagin systems. 
      Annales des Sciences Mathematiques du Quebec, Vol. 40 (2016), no. 2, 251--302
      (Special Issue on the Occasion of Glenn Stevens' 60th Birthday)
    22. On Nekovar's heights, exceptional zeros and a conjecture of Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum.
      IMRN (2016) Vol. 2016 2197--2237 doi:10.1093/imrn/rnv205
    23. (w/ A. Lei) Coleman-adapted Rubin-Stark Kolyvagin systems and supersingular Iwasawa theory of CM abelian varieties.  
      Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (3) 111 (2015), no. 6, 1338--1378.
    24. On the anticyclotomic Iwasawa theory of CM forms at supersingular primes 
       Rev. Mat. Ibero., 31 (2015), no. 1, 109--126.
    25. Main conjectures for CM fields and a Yager-type theorem for Rubin-Stark elements.
      IMRN (2014), no. 21, 5832--5873.
    26. Big Heegner point Kolyvagin system for a family of modular forms.
      Selecta Math., 20 (3) (2014), 787--815.
    27. Height pairings, Exceptional zeros and Rubin's formula.
      Comment. Math. Helv. 87 (2012), no. 1, 71--111.
    28. Stickelberger elements and Kolyvagin systems.
      Nagoya Math. J. 203 (2011), 123--173.
    29. Λ-adic Kolyvagin systems.
      IMRN, (2011) Vol. 2011 3141--3206 doi:10.1093/imrn/rnq186
    30. On Euler systems of rank r and their Kolyvagin systems.
      Indiana University Math. Journal, 59 (2010),  1277--1332
    31. Kolyvagin systems of Stark units.
      Journal fuer die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 631 (2009), 85--107.
    32. Stark units and the main conjectures for totally real fields.
      Compositio Math. 145(5), 1163--1195 (2009).
    33. Tamagawa defect of Euler systems.
      Journal of Number Theory 129 (2009) 402--417.


    1. (w/ A. Burungale and A. Lei) Anticyclotomic Iwasawa theory of abelian varieties of GL2-type at non-ordinary primes II.
    2. (w/ D. Casazza and R. Sakamoto) On the Artin formalism for p-adic Garrett--Rankin L-functions.
    3. (w/ R. Pollack and S. Sasaki) p-adic Gross--Zagier formula at critical slope and a conjecture of Perrin-Riou -- I.


    • Conference celebrating Masato Kurihara's 60th Birthday, Keio University, Japan (07/2024)
    • Algebra and Number Theory Oberseminar, Paderborn (02/2024)
    • Algebra Seminar, Tecnico Lisboa (01/2024)
    • "Algebraische Zahlentheorie", Oberwolfach (06/2023)
    • Euler Systems Seminar, MSRI (05/2023)
    • Conference on "Arithmetic of L-functions", ICMAT Madrid, (05/2023)
    • Princeton University / IAS Number Theory Seminar (04/2023)
    • Temple University Mathematics Colloquium (04/2023)
    • Caltech Number Theory Seminar (02/2023)
    • Conference on "p-adic L-functions and Eigenvarieties", Notre Dame (07/2022)
    • Luminy Conference on "Galois Representations, Automorphic Forms and L-Functions", CIRM (06/2022)
    • KIAS Number Theory Seminar, Seoul (05/2022)
    • Seminaire Theorie des Nombres, Bordeaux (03/2022)
    • Number Theory Seminar, Johns Hopkins University (02/2022)
    • Seminar on Geometry and Arithmetic, University of California, Santa Barbara (01/2022)
    • Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Oberseminar, Essen (12/2021)
    • Conference on "p-adic L-functions and Euler systems, to celebrate Bernadette Perrin-Riou's 65th Birthday", CRM, Montreal - cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic.
    • International Groupe de Travail on Differential Equations, Paris (07/2021)
    • FGC-IPM Joint Number Theory Webinar (06/2021)
    • UCLA Number Theory Seminar (online, 01/2021)
    • Warwick Number Theory Seminar (online, 11/2020)
    • LMS Regional Workshop "Elliptic Curves, Family and Friends", Nottingham (09/2019)
    • Conference on Recent advances in the arithmetic of Galois representations", Genoa (07/2019)
    • Journees Arithmetiques XXXI (Plenary Talk), Istanbul (07/2019)
    • London Number Theory Seminar (05/2019)
    • Number Theory Seminar, University of Vienna (03/2019)
    • Mini-workshop on Iwasawa Theory, Osaka University (01/2019)
    • Algebra Seminar, Keio University, Yokohama (01/2019)
    • Number Theory Seminar, Academica Sinica, Taipei (12/2018)
    • Number Theory Seminar, ICMAT, Madrid (11/2018)
    • Number Theory Seminar, PUC, Barcelona (10/2018)
    • UC Dublin Algebra & Number Theory Seminar (09/2018)
    • Conference on Stark's Conjectures, Iwasawa theory and related topics", Exeter (09/2018)
    • University of Washington Number Theory Seminar, Seattle (05/2018)
    • LMU Arithmetische und Algebraische Geometrie, Munich (04/2018)
    • AWS, Problem Sessions (Algebraic aspects of Iwasawa theory), 03/2018
    • Columbia Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic Seminar (02/2018)
    • Stanford Number Theory Seminar (02/2018)
    • MIT Number Theory Seminar (12/2017)
    • Harvard Number Theory Seminar (12/2017)
    • MPIM-Bonn Number Theory Seminar (11/2017)
    • Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Oberseminar, Essen (11/2017)
    • Bielefeld Arithmetic Geometry Seminar (10/2017)
    • Visitor's seminar, Special Semester on Euler Systems and Special Values of L-functions, Lausanne (09/2017)
    • Workshop on p-adic L-functions and algebraic cycles, Taipei (09/2017)
    • Special Cycles on Shimura Varieties and Iwasawa Theory, CIB, Lausanne (08/2017)
    • Iwasawa 2017, University of Tokyo (07/2017)
    • Mini Lecture on the proof of Perrin-Riou's conjectures, Quebec (07/2016)
    • Universite Laval Algebra Colloquium, Quebec (07/2016)
    • BIRS workshop on "New Directions in Iwasawa Theory", Banff (06/2016) Link to the video of this lecture
    • MSGSU Physics Colloquium, Istanbul (05/2016)
    • University of Copenhagen Number Theory Seminar (04/2016)
    • Osaka University Number Theory Seminar (12/2015)
    • Mini Lecture Series on the Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum Conjecture for non-p-ordinary modular forms, Osaka (12/2015)
    • Workshop on Iwasawa theory and (p-adic) Beilinson conjectures, Istanbul (09/2015)
    • Ankara-Istanbul Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory Meetings (05/2015)
    • Universite of Laval Algebra Seminar, Quebec City (03/2015)
    • Conference on "p-adic methods in the theory of classical automorphic forms", CRM (Montreal), 03/2015
    • University of Bordeaux I Number Theory Seminar (02/2015)
    • Ankara-Istanbul Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory Meetings (01/2015)
    • MSGSU Mathematics Seminar, Istanbul (11/2014)
    • Bogazici University Mathematics Colloquium, Istanbul (10/2014)
    • Introductory workshop on modular methods in Dipohantine Equations, Bilecik (09/2014)
    • Caucasian Mathematics Conference, Tbilisi (09/2014)
    • Mini-course, CRM/UPC (Barcelona), 07/2014
    • Heidelberg University Number Theory Seminar, 05/2014
    • Heidelberg University Oberseminar, 05/2014
    • MPIM-Bonn Number Theory Seminar, 03/2014
    • Humboldt University Algebraic Number Theory Seminar (4 Lectures), 12/2013
    • 25th National Symposium of Turkish Mathematicians (Lecture Series), 09/2013
    • University of Bordeaux I Number Theory Seminar, 06/2013
    • Antalya Algebra Days, 05/2013
    • Aalto University Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, Helsinki, 02/2013
    • MSGSU Mathematics Seminar, Istanbul, 02/2013
    • LMU Oberseminar, Munich, 05/2012
    • Yeditepe University Math Seminar, 05/2012
    • LMU Oberseminar, Munich, 05/2012
    • METU Math Colloquium, 02/2012
    • Boston University Number Theory Seminar, Boston, 11/2011
    • Humboldt University Algebraic Number Theory Seminar, Berlin, 09/2011
    • Antalya Algebra Days, Antalya, 05/2011
    • PUC Mathematics Colloquium, Santiago, 04/2011
    • Regensburg University Number Theory Seminar, Regensburg, 01/2011
    • Mini-course: ''Euler systems of rank r'', HKUST, Hong Kong, 12/2010
    • Journees arithmetiques de Meknes, Workshop: ''L-functions and Arithmetic", 10/2010
    • Cambridge University Number Theory Seminar, Cambridge, 10/2010
    • Bogazici University Math Seminar, Istanbul 09/2010
    • Workshop "Algebraic Numbers and L-functions'', Antalya, 08/2010
    • London Number Theory Seminar, London, 06/2010
    • Bilkent University Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Ankara, 06/2010
    • Bilgi University Mathematics Colloquium, Istanbul, 12/2009
    • 22nd National Symposia of Turkish Mathematicians, Izmir, 09/2009
    • Universidad de Talca Coloquio, 05/2009
    • PUC - U. Chile - USACH, Mini-course on ''Galois Deformations'', 05-06 2009
    • A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan-Nottingham Number Theory Day, 05/2009
    • Keio University, Algebra Seminar, Yokohama, 04/2009
    • Tokyo University, Workshop: ''Arithmetic Geometry'', 04/2009
    •  Osaka University, Number Theory Seminar, 04/2009
    • Kyoto University, Mini-workshop on Iwasawa Theory, 04/2009
    • Max-Planck-Institut fur Mathematik Number Theory Seminar, 12/2008
    • Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Coloquio Conjunto, 06/2008
    • London Number Theory Seminar, 03/2008
    • Universite Bordeaux 1; Seminaire de Theorie des Nombres, 02/2008
    • Seminaire Algebre et Theorie des Nombres de Universite de Franche-Comte, Besancon, 02/2008
    • Seminaire de Theorie des Nombres de Chevaleret (Paris VI et VII), 12/2007
    • Koc  University Mathematics Colloquium, 09/2007
    • Caltech Number Theory Seminar, 06/2007
    • UC Irvine Number Theory Seminar, 04/2007
    • UC Berkeley Number Theory Seminar, 02/2007
    • Stanford University Representation Theory Seminar, 10/2006
    • Koc  University Mathematics Colloquium, 09/2006
    • Boston University Algebra Seminar, Boston, 11/2005