- INSIGHT: The National Centre for Data Analytics. 2013-2019.
I am a Funded Investigator for machine learning and statistics.
This grant supports 1 MSc student, 1 PhD student and one postdoctoral researcher, for whom I am Principal Supervisor. - Science Foundation Ireland, Research Frontiers Programme. August 2009 - May 2014.
Model-based Statistical Methods for Mixed-Mode Metabolomic Data. € 152,093. - Science Foundation Ireland, Conferences and Workshop Scheme. December 2010 - December 2011.
International Statistical Institute Meeting of Young Statisticians. € 4,326. - Science Foundation Ireland, Conferences and Workshop Scheme. January 2009 - January 2010.
29th Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland. € 3,000. - Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET). October 2003 - September 2006.
Exploring Structures and Patterns in Ranking Data. € 72,000.