Claire Gormley B.A. (Mod) PhD
Welcome to my website. I am a statistician, working as an Associate
Professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics in University
College Dublin. I conduct statistical
research and teach statistics to undergraduate and graduate students. I am a Funded Investigator in the Insight Centre for Data Analytics,
in UCD.
My research involves the development of novel statistical methods: I conceive, develop, implement and
disseminate novel statistical methods to solve applied problems.
My statistical research has led to collaborations with a range of other
disciplines, including epigenomics, metabolomics, genomics,
social science, sports science and political science. I collaborate with statisticians and scientists, nationally and internationally.
December 2017
My paper Clustering high
dimensional mixed data to uncover sub-phenotypes: joint analysis of phenotypic and genotypic data with Damien McParland, Catherine
Phillips, Lorraine Brennan and Helen Roche has just been published in Statistics
in Medicine.
Back to work and back to reality!
January 2017
Gone on maternity leave on January 20th 2017, so updates to my website may be less frequent!
New paper on `Infinite Mixtures of Infinite Factor Analysers: Nonparametric Model-Based Clustering via Latent Gaussian Models' co-authored by
my PhD student Keefe Murphy and Prof. Cinzia Viroli, University of
Bologna, has just been uploaded on arXiv. Have a read here.
December 2016
Congratulations to postdoctoral researcher Dr. Mark O'Connell on passing his PhD
Looking forward to presenting at the Harvesting
Knowledge: big data in
agriculture and food symposium, hosted by the UCD
School of Agriculture and Food Science on Tuesday December 13th 2016. Nice mix of presentations from
academia and industry.
November 2016
O'Connell has just joined Dr.
O'Hagan and me as a Research Assistant to work on our MBCbigP research project, in
collaboration with Dr. Luisa
Zuccolo and her colleagues in the Integrative
Epidemiology Unit in the University of Bristol. This work develops
a model based clustering approach to analysing high dimensional epigenetic data. Welcome, Mark!
October 2016
Delighted and honoured to have been elected to Council of the Royal
Statistical Society for 2017. Looking forward to a productive four year term.
New R package released: MEclustnet. The
fits a mixture of experts latent position cluster model to network data. Try it to reproduce the results of analyzing a network of lawyers (as done in our
paper here) or to analyze the Twitter network between some current US politicians - have a look
the examples in the help files!
Many thanks to Thomas Tierney, our Insight summer intern
(supervised by Dr. Damien McParland,
Prof. Katherine Blake and me) who
produced a Shiny
application version of our R package, clustMD. Now there's no excuse not to use
clustMD to cluster your mixed data, all you need is an internet browser!
September 2016
Post doctoral research position available. The
one year post will involve the development of statistical models for clustering epigenetic
DNA methylation data. Interested? See a copy of the advertisement here, and apply here.
CASI 2017 (Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, 2017) hosted by UCD is launched. See here for
Have a look at the new website for COSTNET, the COST Action CA15109, for which I am dissemination coordinator.
New PhD student Yuxin Bai (Leo) has started with Professor Lorraine Brennan and
myself. Welcome!
July 2016
I'm attending the "Working Group on Model-Based Clustering" summer meeting in Universite Paris Descartes. Slides
from my talk "MBCbigP:
model-based clustering for high dimensional data" are available here.
June 2016
I'm giving a seminar at the University of Bologna entitled "Clustering high-dimensional mixed data: joint analysis of phenotypic and genotypic data". Slides from my talk are
available here.
I'm giving a seminar at the University of Warwick on "Clustering high-dimensional mixed data: joint analysis of phenotypic and genotypic data". Slides from my talk are available here.
May 2016
I'm attending the Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland (CASI) 2016. Congratulations to my PhD student Keefe Murphy for winning a Best Poster prize!
I'm attending the inaugural Management Committee meeting for COST Action COSTNET (CA15109) in Brussels. I was ratified at the meeting as the Dissemination Co-ordinator for
the Action.
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