UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Seminars

Seminars 2014

What are nc-holomorphic functions?

R. Timoney
Tue 4th February 2014 - 4:00PM

Towards a new theory

R. Smith
Tue 11th February 2014 - 3:00PM

Smooth Renormings of

V. Bible
Tue 11th February 2014 - 4:15PM

Sheaves of C*-algebras

D. McConnell
Tue 18th February 2014 - 4:00PM

Modelling the voltage drop in an on-chip power distribution network

T. Carroll (UCC)
Tue 25th February 2014 - 3:00PM

Behavior around

M. Ghergu
Tue 25th February 2014 - 4:15PM


J. Ratzkin (Cape Town & UCC)
Tue 4th March 2014 - 3:00PM

Deformations spaces for Iterated Function Systems: Part II

N. Snigireva
Tue 18th March 2014 - 3:00PM

A result on the

P. Hoffmann (NUIM)
Tue 18th March 2014 - 4:15PM

The rigidity of infinite graphs and crystals

S. Power (Lancaster)
Tue 25th March 2014 - 2:30PM

The love knot

R. Harte
Tue 25th March 2014 - 4:00PM

The largest set defined by an iterated function system

M. Barnsley (Canberra)
Tue 1st April 2014 - 3:00PM

Non-commutative function theory

J. McCarthy (St Louis)
Tue 15th April 2014 - 2:30PM

Holomorphic dynamics on finite dimensional spaces

P. Mellon
Tue 15th April 2014 - 4:00PM

Regular holomorphic functions

R. Ryan (NUIG)
Tue 22nd April 2014 - 3:00PM

Group C*-algebras and

Y.-F. Lin (QUB)
Tue 22nd April 2014 - 4:15PM

Stochastic methods in multidimensional complex analysis

M. Klimek (Uppsala)
Tue 13th May 2014 - 4:00PM

The Bishop-Phelps-Bollabas modulus of a Banach space

M. Chica Rivas (Granada)
Tue 20th May 2014 - 4:00PM

Inductive limits of JB*-triple systems

W. Werner (M"unster)
Tue 17th June 2014 - 3:00PM

Lipschitz-free spaces and the metric approximation property

R. Smith
Tue 30th September 2014 - 4:00PM

Another random constant

M. Mackey
Tue 7th October 2014 - 3:00PM

Square and square-free W*TROs

R. Timoney
Tue 7th October 2014 - 4:15PM

On uniqueness of polyharmonic approximation on hyperplanes

H. Render
Tue 14th October 2014 - 3:00PM

Geometry of Marcinkiewicz function spaces

C. Boyd
Tue 21st October 2014 - 4:15PM

Maximum principle in 2nd order PDEs

G. Singh
Tue 28th October 2014 - 3:00PM

Behaviour around singularities for systems of PDEs

M. Ghergu
Tue 28th October 2014 - 4:15PM

Renorming a Banach space whose norm is LFC

V. Bible
Tue 4th November 2014 - 2:30PM

Boundaries at infinity of Gromov and CAT(0) spaces

S. Buckley (Maynooth)
Tue 4th November 2014 - 4:00PM

On existence of maps with distortion strictly less than 2

A. Proch'azka (UFC, Besanc con)
Tue 11th November 2014 - 3:00PM

Hyperreflexivity and idempotent Schur multipliers

R. Levene
Tue 11th November 2014 - 4:15PM

Quantization for recurrent self-similar measures

N. Snigireva
Tue 18th November 2014 - 2:30PM

Limits of hypercyclic operators

J. Boland
Tue 18th November 2014 - 4:00PM

A non-commutative notion of separate continuity

M. Daws (Leeds)
Tue 25th November 2014 - 4:00PM

Semigroup actions on operator algebras

E. Kakariadis (Newcastle)
Tue 2nd December 2014 - 3:00PM

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