UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Seminars

Seminars 1987

Homomorphisms on Frechet algebras

R. Aron
Tue 20th January 1987 - 3:00PM

Homomorphisms of Fréchet algebras II

R. Aron
Tue 27th January 1987 - 3:00PM

Grothendieck's theorem for JB*-triples

R. Timoney
Tue 27th January 1987 - 4:30PM

Two open problems in infinite dimensional holomorphy

S. Dineen
Tue 3rd February 1987 - 2:30PM

Monge-Ampère measures

M. Klimek
Tue 10th February 1987 - 3:00PM

Derivations on JB*-algebras

P. Mellon
Tue 10th February 1987 - 4:30PM

Analytic capacities I

A. O'Farrell
Tue 17th February 1987 - 2:30PM

Banach algebras, subharmonic functions and analytic multivalued functions I

T. Ransford (Leeds)
Tue 17th February 1987 - 4:00PM


F. Gaughran
Tue 24th February 1987 - 3:00PM

Toeplitz operators on Segal-Bargmann spaces

K. Rudol
Tue 24th February 1987 - 4:30PM

Analytic capacities II

A. O'Farrell
Tue 3rd March 1987 - 2:30PM

Integral representations of plurisubharmonic functions

M. Klimek
Tue 3rd March 1987 - 4:00PM

10th March

J. Llavona
Tue 10th March 1987 - 3:00PM

Infinitesmal pseudo-metrics and the Schwarz lemma

M. Klimek
Tue 14th April 1987 - 3:00PM

About tensor products

S. Dineen
Tue 14th April 1987 - 4:30PM

Analytic capacities

A. O'Farrell
Tue 21st April 1987 - 2:30PM

A survey on Möbius-invariant function spaces

R. Timoney
Tue 21st April 1987 - 4:00PM

Subnormal operators

K. Rudol
Tue 28th April 1987 - 3:00PM

Analytic capacities

A. O'Farrell
Tue 5th May 1987 - 2:30PM

Linear and multilinear Grothendiec inequlaities

R. Ryan
Tue 5th May 1987 - 4:00PM

Invertibility and singularity

R. Harte
Tue 12th May 1987 - 3:00PM

Interpolation sequences

R. Aron
Tue 12th May 1987 - 4:30PM

On generators of groups of isometries of C*-algebras

T. Barton (Memphis State U)
Thu 3rd September 1987 - 4:30PM

Möbius-invriant function spaces

R. Timoney
Tue 13th October 1987 - 4:30PM

Integrals of subharmonic functiosn over affine sets I

S. Gardiner
Tue 20th October 1987 - 3:00PM

Cummutin Riesz operators

E. Bach
Tue 20th October 1987 - 4:30PM

Integrals of subharmonic functiosn over affine sets II

S. Gardiner
Tue 27th October 1987 - 3:00PM

Alegbras of holomorphic functions and the Micahel problem

J. Mujica (Campinas)
Tue 27th October 1987 - 4:30PM

Convexity and plurisubharmonicity

M. Klimek
Tue 3rd November 1987 - 3:00PM

Bessel potentials and regularity of harmonic maps I

D. Wilkins
Tue 3rd November 1987 - 4:30PM

A model for Hilbert space operators

E. Bach
Tue 10th November 1987 - 3:00PM

Bessel potentials and regularity of harmonic maps II

D. Wilkins
Tue 10th November 1987 - 4:30PM

Approximately finute and covariance C*-algebras

D. O'Donovan
Tue 17th November 1987 - 3:00PM

Plurisunharmonic functions on quasi-Banach spaces

S. Dineen
Tue 17th November 1987 - 4:30PM

On the Schwarz lemma II

S. Dineen
Tue 24th November 1987 - 3:00PM

Approximately finute and covariance C*-algebras II

D. O'Donovan
Tue 24th November 1987 - 4:30PM

The Laffey-west decomposition of semi-Fredholm operators

M Ó Searcóid
Tue 1st December 1987 - 3:00PM

An application of the Schwarz lemma

D. Wilkins
Tue 1st December 1987 - 4:30PM


R. Timoney
Tue 8th December 1987 - 3:00PM

Minkowski's inequality for subharmonic functions

S. Gardiner
Tue 8th December 1987 - 4:30PM

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