UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Seminars

Seminars 1986

Function module representations II

S. Dineen
Tue 21st January 1986 - 2:30PM

Increasing functions I

P. Boland
Tue 21st January 1986 - 4:00PM


R. Timoney
Tue 4th February 1986 - 2:30PM

Increasing functions II

P. Boland
Tue 4th February 1986 - 4:00PM

February 11th

M. Klimek
Tue 11th February 1986 - 3:00PM


D. O'Donovan
Tue 11th February 1986 - 4:30PM


T. Wolniewicz
Tue 18th February 1986 - 2:30PM


E. Bach
Tue 18th February 1986 - 4:00PM


D. O'Donovan
Tue 25th February 1986 - 3:00PM


R. Timoney
Tue 25th February 1986 - 4:30PM


S. Dineen
Tue 4th March 1986 - 2:30PM


Tue 4th March 1986 - 4:00PM


M. Klimek
Tue 11th March 1986 - 3:00PM


Tue 11th March 1986 - 4:30PM

Introduction to Grothendieck's theorem I

R. Timoney
Tue 15th April 1986 - 2:30PM

Riesz-Scahuder theorems for semi-Fredholm operators

T. West
Tue 15th April 1986 - 4:00PM

Introduction to Grothendieck's theorem II

R. Timoney
Tue 22nd April 1986 - 3:00PM

Banach-Mazuer distances between annulus algebras

T. Wolniewicz
Tue 22nd April 1986 - 4:00PM

Introduction to Grothendieck's theorem III

R. Timoney
Tue 29th April 1986 - 2:30PM


W, Kaup (Tuebingen)
Tue 6th May 1986 - 4:00PM

Perturbations of normal operators

D. O'Donovan
Tue 13th May 1986 - 2:30PM

Weak operator continuity of Möbius transformations on the unit ball of J*-algebras

J. M. Isidro (Santiago de Compstela)
Tue 13th May 1986 - 4:00PM

Determining sets ofr holomorphic functions

S. Dineen
Tue 14th October 1986 - 3:00PM

An extremal function for Banach spaces

R. Aron (UCD and Kent)
Tue 14th October 1986 - 4:30PM

Localisation of biholomorphic mappings of convex domains

R. Timoney
Tue 21st October 1986 - 3:00PM

The set of fixed poinst of a holomorphic map

J.-P. Vigue (Paris)
Tue 21st October 1986 - 4:30PM

The centroid of a JB*-triple

S. Dineen
Tue 28th October 1986 - 2:30PM

The Dunford Pettis property and projective tensor products

R. Ryan (UCG)
Tue 28th October 1986 - 4:00PM

On Toeplitz operators I

K. Rudol (UCD)
Tue 4th November 1986 - 2:30PM

Factorization of holomorphic functions

R. Aron
Tue 4th November 1986 - 4:00PM

On Toeplitz operators II

K. Rudol
Tue 11th November 1986 - 3:00PM


P. Galindo (UCD and Valentia)
Tue 11th November 1986 - 4:30PM

On Toeplitz operators III

K. Rudol
Tue 18th November 1986 - 2:30PM

Hyperplane menan values of subharmonic functions I

S. Gardiner
Tue 18th November 1986 - 4:00PM

Position subspaces for semi Fredholm operators

T. West
Tue 25th November 1986 - 3:00PM

Hyperplane mean values of subharmonic functions II

S. Gardiner
Tue 25th November 1986 - 4:30PM

Plurisubharminc Green's functions

M. Klimek
Tue 2nd December 1986 - 2:30PM

The Levi problem for DFC spaces

L Lourenco (UCD and TCD)
Tue 2nd December 1986 - 4:00PM

On the Levi form in infinite dimensions

M. Klimek
Tue 9th December 1986 - 3:00PM


P. Mellon
Tue 9th December 1986 - 4:30PM

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