Dr. Robert Osburn (UCD)
will speak on
Supercongruences for Apery-like numbers
Time: 4:00PM
Date: Thu 27th October 2011
Location: Mathematical Sciences Seminar Room (Ag 1.01)
Abstract: It is known that the numbers which occur in Apery's proof of the irrationality of the zeta function evaluated at 2 have many interesting congruence properties while the associated generating function satisfies a second order differential equation. In this talk, we discuss a proof of supercongruences for a generalization of numbers which arise in Beukers' and Zagier's study of integral solutions of Apery-like differential equations. This is joint work with Brundaban Sahu (NISER, India).
(This talk is part of the K-Theory, Quadratic Forms and Number Theory series.)
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