Robert Osburn
will speak on
Gaussian hypergeometric functions and supercongruences
Time: 4:00PM
Date: Wed 27th September 2006
Location: Mathematical Sciences Seminar Room
Abstract: In 1984, Greene introduced the notion of hypergeometric functions
over finite fields. Special values of these functions have recently been of
interest as they are related to numbers of F_p points on
algebraic varieties and to Fourier coefficients of modular forms. In this talk,
we discuss a general modulo p^3 congruence for these functions which
yields extensions to recent supercongruences of Ono-Ahlgren, Loh-Rhodes,
and of Mortenson. This is joint work with Carsten Schneider (Linz).
(This talk is part of the K-Theory, Quadratic Forms and Number Theory series.)
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