Taha Yasseri (University College Dublin)
will speak on
Studying Armies of Bots and Humans in the Lab; towards a sociology of humans and machines
Time: 12:00PM
Date: Mon 22nd February 2021
Location: Online
Abstract: Despite the enormous importance, conflicts and wars in human societies are less studied within the framework of scientific methods. It is hard to have realistic controlled experiments and even observational systematic studies are very sparse. However, the emergence of online technologies and their integration into different aspects of our individual and societal lives, has brought about a change. In large-scale online collaborative projects such as Wikipedia where millions of people work together to produce a collection of the 'whole human knowledge', conflicts and edit wars are inevitable. In this talk we review some of the empirical analyses and theoretical modelling that we have done on Wikipedia edit wars between human and robot editors in different language editions.
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Speaker bio:
Taha Yasseri is an Associate Professor at the School of Sociology of University College Dublin, Ireland. Formerly he was a Senior Research Fellow in Computational Social Science at the Oxford Internet Institute, a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute for Data Science and AI, and a Research Fellow in Humanities and Social Sciences at Wolfson College, University of Oxford. Taha obtained his PhD in Physics of Complex Systems from University of Göttingen, Germany in 2010. He has interests in analysis of large-scale transactional data and digital experiments to understand human dynamics and social contagion, online political behaviour, mass collaboration and collective intelligence, information and opinion dynamics, collective behaviour, and online dating.
(This talk is part of the Statistics and Actuarial Science series.)
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