Professor Brendan Guilfoyle (Institute of Technology Tralee, Ireland)
will speak on
The Caratheodory Conjecture and Beyond
Time: 3:00PM
Date: Thu 6th June 2019
Location: Seminar Room SCN 1.25
Further informationAbstract: In this talk we will discuss the Caratheodory conjecture about the number of umbilic points on a smooth convex surface in Euclidean 3-space, and its proof, originally proposed by the speaker and Wilhelm Klingenberg in 2008. Lying at the intersection of geometry, analysis and topology, the various parts of the proof are now appearing in publication. In this talk an outline will be given, together with recent counter-examples in nearly Euclidean 3-spaces. Finally, the resolution of a conjecture of Toponogov using the same techniques will be explored.
(This talk is part of the UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium series.)
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