UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Seminars

C. Mulcahy (Spelman)

will speak on

Pioneering Women in Mathematics in Ireland

Time: 4:00PM
Date: Tue 24th May 2016
Location: Ag 1.01 [map]

Abstract: The first Irish-born woman to get a PhD in pure mathematics in Ireland
appears to have been Siobhan Vernon (nee O'Shea) from Cork, in 1964.

In the century before that at least 75 women in Ireland earned degrees in
mathematics or mathematical physics, and/or became engaged in mathematical
work of some sort. Some of these were were educated privately, and several
were British women who'd been denied the opportunity to be awarded
university degrees closer to home.

Very few of these pioneering women had the chance to enter academia. Some of
the early ones ended up as astronomers, many more as teachers. Even those
who started relevant careers generally had them cut short if they married.

We'll highlight the more notable ones, from Cork, Dublin, Belfast, Galway
and elsewhere, based in part on information buried in The Annals of Irish
Mathematics at www.mathsireland.ie

(This talk is part of the General Interest series.)

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