Topics in Functional Analysis 2018
\(\otimes\) RayDays \( \otimes \)
9-11th July 2018 at NUI Galway
A functional analysis meeting, marking the contribution of Ray Ryan to mathematics and NUI Galway on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
Link to AGA

Invited Speakers
- R. Aron (Kent)
- S. Dineen (UCD)
- P. Galindo (Valencia)
- P. Kirwan (Waterford IT)
- M. Lindström (Åbo)
- L. Moraes (Rio de Janeiro)
- B. Turett (Rochester, Michigan)
- D. Werner (Berlin)
- I. Zalduendo (Buenos Aires)
Book of AbstractsClicking on names below will bring you to the abstract and slides (if available)
Also relevant and available is a talk given by Dirk Werner to the School in May 2018.
All talks will take place in Room 214, Orbsen Building (Building No. 15 on the campus map).
The conference dinner will take place on Tuesday 10th at 7pm in the Harbour Hotel.
Local Information
Google map for NUI Galway campus.Galway can be reached by public transportation from Dublin Airport, Shannon Airport and Knock Airport (also refered to as Ireland West Airport). From Dublin airport there are direct shuttle buses to Galway operated by Citylink and GoBus. You can also take a train from Dublin city. Bus Eireann also runs buses from Dublin Airport and have recently set up direct runs from Shannon Airport to Galway. Knock Airport now has bus connections to Galway.
Directions to NUI Galway by road can be found
Galway is a small city and you can reach any destination in the city centre comfortably by walking. It takes about 15 minutes from Galway Coach, Bus or Rail Station to the university (Google maps direction).
NUI Galway has a number
of pay-and-display
parking places for visitors. Cars parked in other spaces on the NUI
Galway campus and not displaying a valid parking permit will be
The following hotels and guest houses are convenient for the NUI Galway campus. (A summary of accommodation rates is here.)- The Westwood House Hotel,
091 521 442
- The House Hotel,
091-538 900 (Mention NUI Galway for a discount rate)
- The Brook Lodge B&B,
(Mention NUIG maths meeting for a discount rate)
- Jury's hotel
- Harbour hotel
- Park House hotel
- Hotel Meyrick
- Bologna B&B, 091-523792
- Aneesha B&B, 091-524250
- Ashgrove House B&B, 091-581291
- Villanova B&B, 091-524849
- Coolavalla B&B, 091-522415
- Rosgal B&B, 091- 524723
- De Sota B&B, 091-585064
Please contact Ireland West for further information about accommodation near NUI Galway, or try one of the popular booking sites.
As Galway is a popular tourist destination in the summer we recommend booking accommodation early.
Organizing Committee
For any queries, email the committee or contact one of the members below.Supported by

NUI Galway Office of the Registrar
NUI Galway School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics
NUI Galway De Brún Centre for Mathematics