Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey

Second Edition

John Wallace & Peter Hobbs

Audience: Meteorology students (advanced undergraduate and graduate levels)

Contents: 1. Introduction and Overview 2. The Earth System 3. Atmospheric Thermodynamics 4. Radiative Transfer 5. Atmospheric Chemistry 6. Cloud Microphysics 7. Atmospheric Dynamics 8. Weather Systems 9. The Atmospheric Boundary Layer 10. Climate Dynamics

  • Hardbound, ISBN: 0-12-732951-X, 504 pages
  • Publication date: 2006
  • Publisher: Academic Press
  • Price:
    • GBP 39.99
    • EUR 57.95
    • USD 59.95

Further information from the publisher: Elsevier

         [W&H Front Cover]

An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology

Fourth Edition

James Holton

Audience: Senior and Graduate Students in Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, as well as atmospheric scientists desiring a broad overview of dynamical meteorology.

Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Basic Conservation Laws 3. Elementary Applications of the Basic Equations 4. Circulation and Vorticity 5. The Planetary Boundary Layer 6. Synoptic Scale Motions I: Quasi-geostrophic Analysis 7. Atmospheric Oscillations: Linear Perturbation Theory 8. Extratropical Synoptic Scale Motions II: Baroclinic Instability 9. Mesoscale Circulations 10. The General Circulation 11. Tropical Dynamics 12. Middle Atmosphere Dynamics 13. Numerical Prediction

  • Hardbound, ISBN: 0-12-354015-1, 535 pages,
  • Publication date: 2004
  • Publisher: Elsevier
  • Price:
    • GBP 39.99
    • EUR 57.95
    • USD 64.95

Further information from the publisher: Elsevier

         [Holton Front Cover]

Atmospheric Modeling, Data Assimilation and Predictability

Eugenia Kalnay

Contents: 1. Historical overview 2. The continuous equations 3. Discretization of the equations 4. Introduction to the parameterizations of subgrid-scale physical processes 5. Data assimilation 6. Atmospheric predictability and ensemble forecasting.

  • Paperback (ISBN-13: 9780521796293 | ISBN-10: 0521796296)
  • Also available in Hardback
  • Publication date: 2002
  • Publisher: Cambridge
  • Price: GBP 35.00

Further information from the publisher: Cambridge University Press

Review by Peter Lynch, for Met Éireann Staff Magazine Splanc.

         [Kalnay Front Cover]

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