Lecture Details

Name: Adela Mihai (Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania)

Speaking: Fri 10th May 10:30 - 10:55

Title: Complex contact manifolds

Abstract: The complex contact manifolds from a Riemannian geometric point of view, comparing the ideas with those of real contact metric geometry, are discussed [D.E. Blair, {\it Riemannian Geometry of Contact and Symplectic Manifolds}, Birkh\"auser, Boston, 2002]. One important notion is that of a {\it normal complex contact metric structure} [B. Korkmaz, {\it Normality of complex contact manifolds}, Rocky Mountain J. Math. {\bf 30} (2000), 1343-1380].

The work on locally symmetric normal complex contact metric manifolds along with the role played by reflections in the integral submanifolds of the vertical subbundle is recalled [D.E. Blair, A. Mihai, {\it Symmetry in complex contact geometry}, Rocky Mount. J. Math. {\bf 42(2)} (2012), 451-465].

Also, the properties of homogeneity and local symmetry of complex $(k,\mu)$-spaces are shown [D.E. Blair, A. Mihai, {\it Homogeneity and local symmetry of complex $(k,\mu)$-spaces}, Israel J. Math. {\bf 187} (2012), 451-464].

The talk ends with recent developments in this topic of research.

Lecture Slides