Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar

Seminar Details

João Melo
University of Cambridge
Stringy corrections to the entropy of electrically charged supersymmetric black holes with AdS5×S5 asymptotics
11AM Thursday, 15 April 2021
Zoom (meeting ID: 933 1387 1404, password: email Áine Byrne)

I will discuss the recent calculation (arXiv:2007.06582) of the leading α′ corrections to the entropy of certain black holes with AdS5×S5 asymptotics, namely in the supersymmetric limit, the entropy does not receive α′ corrections. This result strengthens recent calculations that match the index of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills with the corresponding partition function in the supersymmetric limit. In the small temperature regime, the entropy corrections are concordant with the weak gravity conjecture.

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