K-theory, Quadratic Forms and Number Theory Seminar 2009-2010
16/9: David Brink (UCD), “Simultaneous representation of primes by
quadratic forms”
23/9: Ronan Flatley (UCD), “Trace forms of symbol algebras”
30/9: Heng Huat Chan (NUS), “Ramanujan and the theory of modular
7/10: Filippo Nuccio (Heidelberg), “Cyclotomic units and Greenberg’s
14/10: Luca Caputo (UCD), “Brauer relations”
28/10: Dermot Mccarthy (UCD), “p-adic hypergeometric series and
4/11: Marc Hindry (Paris 7), “Analogs of the Brauer-Siegel theorem
for abelian varieties over global fields”
11/11: Winfried Kohnen (Heidelberg), “Generalized modular functions
and their Fourier coefficients”
18/11: Julia Hartmann (aachen), “Applications of patching to
quadratic forms”
25/11: Cornelius Greither (Muenchen), “The Tate module of Deligne’s
1 motive and class groups as Galois modules”
20/1: Fernando Rodriguez Villegas (UT-Austin), “The arithmetic of
hypergeometric functions”
27/1: Zsolt Balogh (IMI, Hungary), “Involutions and symmetric
elements in group algebras”
3/2: David Brink (UCD), “The density of integers of the form u2 +
10/2: Lara Thomas (EPFL), “On the Galois module structure of
extensions of local fields”
17/2: Alessandro Cobbe (Pisa), “Steinitz classes of tamely ramified
Galois extensions of algebraic number fields”
24/2: Pawel Gladki (Silesia), “Quotients of the space of orderings
of the field Q(x)”
3/3: Alexei Zaytsev (UCD), “Some properties of the Galois closure of
an optimal tower”
24/3: David Solomon (King’s College), “Generalising Stickelberger:
Annihilators (and more) for class groups of number fields”
7/4: Omran Ahmadi (UCD), “On the distribution of the number of
points on algebraic curves in extensions of finite fields”
14/4: Henri Johnston (Cambridge), “A non-abelian Stickelberger
28/4: Jan Bruinier (Darmstadt), “Mock modular forms and infinite
5/5: Shabnam Akhtari (MPIM), “Representation of integers by binary